Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

Christian Morrisseau Character Analysis

Christian Morrisseau is the son of famed Ojibwe painter Norval Morrisseau and the father of Kyle Morrisseau, who was found dead in a Thunder Bay, Ontario river in 2008. In response to the results of the inquest into the deaths of Kyle and six other Indigenous youths, Christian created the massive painting Seven Fallen Feathers that gave Tanya Talaga’s book its title.

Christian Morrisseau Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Christian Morrisseau or refer to Christian Morrisseau. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 10: Seven Fallen Feathers Quotes

[Christian] called the painting Seven Fallen Feathers. Each feather represents one of the seven dead students. Morrisseau was tired of hearing them being called that, "Seven dead students." People always referred to the kids like that. "The seven dead." As if they weren't anything else in life.

They had their own spirits. They were their own people.

Morrisseau couldn’t stand hearing his son Kyle being called "one of the seven dead students" anymore, not by the news media, not by the lawyers, not by the people who meant well but found it easier to lump them all together as one.

Kyle was a fallen feather. They all were.

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Kyle Morrisseau, Christian Morrisseau
Page Number: 301
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Christian Morrisseau Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Christian Morrisseau or refer to Christian Morrisseau. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 10: Seven Fallen Feathers Quotes

[Christian] called the painting Seven Fallen Feathers. Each feather represents one of the seven dead students. Morrisseau was tired of hearing them being called that, "Seven dead students." People always referred to the kids like that. "The seven dead." As if they weren't anything else in life.

They had their own spirits. They were their own people.

Morrisseau couldn’t stand hearing his son Kyle being called "one of the seven dead students" anymore, not by the news media, not by the lawyers, not by the people who meant well but found it easier to lump them all together as one.

Kyle was a fallen feather. They all were.

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Kyle Morrisseau, Christian Morrisseau
Page Number: 301
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