Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

Ricki Strang Character Analysis

Ricki Strang is the brother of Reggie Bushie, who died in Thunder Bay, Ontario in 2008. After a night of drinking with his brother and some friends, Ricki blacked out and came to waist-deep in the freezing water of the McIntyre River. When Reggie didn’t emerge from the water or come home later that night, Ricki hoped that Reggie was just out partying with friends—but as the days passed, he began to sense that his brother was in the water, near the same place that he himself had stumbled from the river. Sure enough, authorities who dredged the river found Reggie’s body in the water. Ricki told authorities that he and his brother had both had backpacks with them on the night Reggie disappeared, and that the backpacks were missing. But regardless of that, as well as the fact that Ricki and Reggie were both strong swimmers, the police immediately ruled out foul play.

Ricki Strang Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Ricki Strang or refer to Ricki Strang. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7: Brothers Quotes

When he got to the river's edge, Ricki carefully squatted down, resting on his heels. He spent some time thinking before he slowly stretched his arms out over the water, his palms gently skimming the surface. Then he put his hands in the river, his arms spread out as far as possible. His body began to shudder.

It was as if he were reaching out for his brother.

The police were touched into silence. They backed away, giving the boy the time he needed before taking him back to the station.

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Reggie Bushie, Ricki Strang
Related Symbols: Rivers and Bodies of Water
Page Number: 215
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Ricki Strang Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Ricki Strang or refer to Ricki Strang. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7: Brothers Quotes

When he got to the river's edge, Ricki carefully squatted down, resting on his heels. He spent some time thinking before he slowly stretched his arms out over the water, his palms gently skimming the surface. Then he put his hands in the river, his arms spread out as far as possible. His body began to shudder.

It was as if he were reaching out for his brother.

The police were touched into silence. They backed away, giving the boy the time he needed before taking him back to the station.

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Reggie Bushie, Ricki Strang
Related Symbols: Rivers and Bodies of Water
Page Number: 215
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