Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

A runner is a person of legal drinking age who procures alcohol for people under the legal drinking age, often in exchange for money or alcohol for themselves.
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Runner Term Timeline in Seven Fallen Feathers

The timeline below shows where the term Runner appears in Seven Fallen Feathers. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: When the Wolf Comes
...Nathan confessed that they’d gone to drink instead of going to the mall, employing a “runner” to buy them booze. (full context)
Chapter 6: We Speak for the Dead to Protect the Living
...had joined some other kids in pooling their money to secure some alcohol from a runner. In the park, Skye and Robyn and their friends consumed part of a 60-ounce bottle... (full context)
Chapter 8: River, Give Me My Son Back
...of friends at the McIntyre River. Kyle apparently asked one of his drinking buddies, a runner named Ivan Masakeyash, if Ivan knew where he could get a gun—he said he needed... (full context)