Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Dan Maloney’s wife. Beth marries Dan during the final months of his doctoral research and is brought to Eric Wellman’s holiday party, which takes place shortly before Alice receives her Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Dan introduces Beth to Alice and they talk briefly, but then Alice walks off to use the bathroom, get more wine, and talk to some of the wives. When she returns to the group, she has forgotten Beth and asks if she’s a new fellow for one of the faculty. This is the first time Alice’s symptoms are publicly noticed, but the group believes the memory lapse is due to Alice drinking too much wine that night.
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Beth Maloney Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Beth Maloney appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
December 2003 of John. As soon as she finds him, Dan comes in with his new wife, Beth, who is wearing a bright red dress. Alice says she’ll have another glass of... (full context)
...woman in the red dress. The woman looks at Dan before nervously answering that she’s Beth. Alice doesn’t recognize her and asks Beth if she’s a new postdoc fellow. Beth tells... (full context)
January 2004
...what she doesn’t realize what else she’s forgotten, John suddenly remembers the incident with Dan’s wife. He tells her needs “to do some reading” and walks out of the room. (full context)