Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Peter Lucas Daly Character Analysis

Alice’s father, who suffered from alcoholism for most of her life. After he crashes the family car while driving drunk, killing Alice’s sister, Anne, and mother, Sarah, Peter spirals deeper and deeper into alcoholism. Alice only occasionally visited her father when he was alive. He was always drunk and belligerent, and frequently forgot who she was, leading her to believe that he is the parent who passed on the mutated gene that caused her Alzheimer’s. Peter died from liver disease about a year before Alice receives her diagnosis.
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Peter Lucas Daly Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Peter Lucas Daly appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
January 2004
...buried. She stops in front of three headstones: Anne Lydia Daly, Sarah Louise Daly, and Peter Lucas Daly. Neither John nor Alice speak while they stand in front of the headstones,... (full context)
In her mind, Alice blames Peter for her Alzheimer’s and begins crying hysterically. Surprised, John holds her and lets her cry.... (full context)
February 2004
...“think he recognized [her] at all for the last several years.” Alice also explains that Peter had never been to a neurologist. Upset by the conversation, John explains that Peter died... (full context)