Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Anne Lydia Daly Character Analysis

Alice’s sister who died at 16 years old in a car crash caused by their father Peter’s drunk driving. Alice had been very close to Anne and frequently thinks about what she would be like if she had lived. As Alice’s Alzheimer’s progresses, she forgets that Anne is dead and has to be reminded, causing an emotional breakdown. Alice, however, later forgets Anne’s death again and often mistakes Anna for Anne because they look so similar.
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Anne Lydia Daly Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Anne Lydia Daly appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
January 2004
...Auburn, the cemetery where her family is buried. She stops in front of three headstones: Anne Lydia Daly, Sarah Louise Daly, and Peter Lucas Daly. Neither John nor Alice speak while... (full context)
July 2004
...silent and not interfere.” Alice asks Lydia when John will be home and then when Anne will be home. Confused, Lydia tells Alice that Anna is in Boston, but Alice says... (full context)
August 2004
Alice knows that Anne and Sarah are dead and have been for many years—in fact, she cannot imagine them... (full context)