Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Dr. Tamara Moyer Character Analysis

Alice’s primary care physician for the past 22 years. Tamara is the first doctor Alice goes to for advice about her memory problems. Alice believes that her problems are just severe symptoms of menopause, and Tamara agrees that she is menopausal, but conducts tests because she worries there might be another underlying cause. When Alice’s tests come back negative for a stroke or brain tumor, Tamara gives Alice a referral to a neurologist, Dr. Davis. After Alice receives her Alzheimer’s diagnosis, she goes to Tamara to get a prescription for sleeping medication. Although Tamara is a little suspicious because Alice is being pushy about getting strong sleeping pills, Tamara gives her the prescription.
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Dr. Tamara Moyer Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Tamara Moyer appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
November 2003
Alice goes to see Dr. Tamara Moyer , who has been her regular physician for the past 22 years. Alice tells her... (full context)
However, when Alice tells Dr. Moyer about becoming disoriented on her run, Dr. Moyer looks up and is apparently concerned. Dr.... (full context)
Dr. Moyer ’s questions turn to Alice’s mental state and she asks Alice if she’s feeling anxious... (full context)
Dr. Moyer ’s answer worries Alice. With “her tidy and safe explanation shattered,” Alice begins to fear... (full context)
Since her appointment with Dr. Moyer , Alice has become increasingly anxious about her memory lapses and decides that they are... (full context)
At her next appointment, Dr. Moyer tells Alice that her bloodwork and MRI came back normal. She tells Alice that they... (full context)
December 2003
...many of the same questions about her lifestyle, eating habits, sleeping habits, and mood that Dr. Moyer asked. Dr. Davis then asks questions about her family history and Alice tells him about... (full context)
June 2004
Alice goes to Dr. Moyer ’s office complaining of “difficulty sleeping.” She tells Dr. Moyer that it takes her a... (full context)