Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Stephanie Aaron Character Analysis

The genetic counsellor at Dr. Davis’s office. Stephanie helps guide Alice and John through the process of having Alice genetically tested to see if her Alzheimer’s has a genetic link. Later, after Stephanie tells Alice that she does have a mutated gene that inevitably results in Alzheimer’s and that may have been passed on to her children, Stephanie sees both Tom and Anna to give them the same test, which reveals that Anna also has the gene mutation.
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Stephanie Aaron Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Stephanie Aaron appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
February 2004
Stephanie Aaron, a genetic counselor, greets Alice and John with “a warm smile.” John explains Alice’s... (full context)
Stephanie asks about Alice’s family history, and Alice explains the issues her father experienced in his... (full context)
Stephanie does not smile at Alice and John when they walk into her office. She offers... (full context)
Alice asks what this means for her kids, all of whom are in their twenties. Stephanie explains that they are all too young to be symptomatic, but they can have a... (full context)
Stephanie asks Alice and John if they have anymore questions and tells them she’s sorry they... (full context)
March 2004
Ever since their visit to Stephanie, John struggles with seeing Alice take her medication and has stopped asking her for help... (full context)