Story of Your Life


Ted Chiang

Burghart Character Analysis

Like Dr. Louise Banks, Burghart is a linguist assigned to learn the alien heptapods’ language. Also like Louise, he becomes fluent in Heptapod B, begins “remembering” the future, and loses his free will. His character shows that the mental changes Heptapod B has on its learners are not unique to Louise. Any person who becomes proficient in Heptapod B will begin remembering the future and thus lose their ability to make choices other than the ones they are destined to make.
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Burghart Character Timeline in Story of Your Life

The timeline below shows where the character Burghart appears in Story of Your Life. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Story of Your Life
Hossner takes questions. A linguist named Burghart working on a looking glass in Fort Worth tells Hossner that the heptapods have already... (full context)
In a flashback, Louise watches a videotape in which the linguist Burghart is translating a conversation between some heptapods and a human diplomat. The diplomat is trying... (full context)
...second gift exchange Louise has participated in. She, the heptapods, Gary, Colonel Weber, the linguist Burghart, and other researchers are present. The humans present the heptapods with pictures of the Lascaux... (full context)
...already knows is about to happen, but she finds none. Colonel Weber orders Louise and Burghart to set up another gift exchange. Louise and Burghart engage in small talk. Because they... (full context)