Jodi is one of Alix’s best friends. Alix met Jodi in the waiting room at Briar’s four-month checkup, and Jodi introduced her to Tamra and Rachel, who quickly welcomed Alix into their friend group. Like Tamra and Rachel, Jodi is a smart, confident, and snarky woman with a successful career and children—she is a children’s casting director, and she and her husband Walter have two children together, Prudence and Payne. When Alix lived in Manhattan, she and her friends would regularly get together to talk and drink wine. They’d support each other as they navigated the challenges of their careers and motherhood, and Alix misses her friends greatly when she moves to Philadelphia. Like the other women, Jodi pays a regular sitter, Carmen, to care for her children. Jodi is the more caring and compassionate friend of the group, particularly in comparison to Rachel, who can be overly direct and unfeeling at times. Because Alix’s friends only know Alix’s (incomplete) version of her high school drama with Kelley Copeland, they stand by her when she expresses concern over Emira and Kelley’s relationship.