Tell Me How It Ends


Valeria Luiselli

Luiselli’s Lawyer Character Analysis

Luiselli’s lawyer is a Spanish-speaking woman who helps Luiselli navigate the process of getting a green card. However, she eventually gives Luiselli’s case to one of her colleagues, changing jobs in order to work as an attorney advocating for undocumented child migrants. When she tells Luiselli why she’s leaving, Luiselli asks her if she knows any organizations that might be able to use her as a translator, since she too wants to help undocumented minors. Consequently, her lawyer refers her to someone at the American Immigration Lawyers Association, which then puts her in touch with The Door.
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Luiselli’s Lawyer Character Timeline in Tell Me How It Ends

The timeline below shows where the character Luiselli’s Lawyer appears in Tell Me How It Ends. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Border
...their green cards waiting for them in the mail. Luiselli’s, however, isn’t among them. Her lawyer asks if she’s ever visited “Muslim-majority countries,” but Luiselli says it has been ten years... (full context)
While Luiselli is sorting out the problems related to her green card, her lawyer gives her case to a colleague, since she herself has decided to take a job... (full context)