The Head is the severed head of executed prisoner , through which the Macrobes communicate with the N.I.C.E. It is the primary antagonist of the novel, and its leadership makes the N.I.C.E. an army against the will of God and his . The Head is an affront to nature: a human head severed from what makes it human by Dr. Filostrato, who deems organic life “impure” and praises the Head as the first in the bodiless species that is humanity’s future. The Head’s existence as something that is no longer human allows Earth’s fallen eldils to possess it and use it as a vessel. Unlike God or his eldils, the Head does not care about its followers. It demands the sacrifice of and Dr. Filostrato, two of its most ardent followers, and can offer no protection when the rest of the N.I.C.E. is destroyed by Merlin and the .