That Hideous Strength


C. S. Lewis

The Head is the severed head of executed prisoner François Alcasan, through which the Macrobes communicate with the N.I.C.E. It is the primary antagonist of the novel, and its leadership makes the N.I.C.E. an army against the will of God and his eldils. The Head is an affront to nature: a human head severed from what makes it human by Dr. Filostrato, who deems organic life “impure” and praises the Head as the first in the bodiless species that is humanity’s future. The Head’s existence as something that is no longer human allows Earth’s fallen eldils to possess it and use it as a vessel. Unlike God or his eldils, the Head does not care about its followers. It demands the sacrifice of Reverend Straik and Dr. Filostrato, two of its most ardent followers, and can offer no protection when the rest of the N.I.C.E. is destroyed by Merlin and the Oyéresu.
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The Head Character Timeline in That Hideous Strength

The timeline below shows where the character The Head appears in That Hideous Strength. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
...more effective way to recruit followers than force. Wither sends Miss Hardcastle to face “ the Head ,” and Filostrato escorts her, advising her to be completely still, silent, and obedient. (full context)
...reveals that the order for Mark to bring Jane to the N.I.C.E. comes directly from the Head . (full context)
Chapter 9 with a disembodied head whose skull is opened to reveal a twitching mass within. The Head seems to operate more like an engine than a human. Three masked people enter and... (full context)
Later, Jane tells her dream about the Head to the Manor’s Company of Logres. MacPhee speculates that the mass within the skull is... (full context)
Chapter 12
Frost tells Mark that the consciousness of the Head is not that of Alcasan, but a “Macrobe,” an unearthly species far more intelligent than... (full context)
Chapter 16 this revelation. He finds Straik and Filostrato, and the three of them pray before the Head , which is powered by Earth’s evil eldils. The Head demands a sacrifice, so Straik... (full context)
...which he has devoted himself to disproving. He sets fire to the room next to the Head , killing himself. In his last moments, Frost becomes aware that his soul might escape... (full context)