Jane Studdock is one of the two protagonists of That Hideous Strength, along with her husband Mark. Like her husband, Jane is a young academic. She resents the sexist expectations placed upon women…
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Mark Studdock
Mark Studdock is one of the two protagonists of That Hideous Strength, along with his wife Jane. Mark is a young sociologist and Fellow at Bracton College, and his interest in academia primarily…
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Elwin Ransom/Mr. Fisher-King
Ransom is the protagonist of the first two books of the Space Trilogy and the leader of the followers of Logres. His interactions will eldils on Mars and Venus have made him a devoted servant…
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The Head
The Head is the severed head of executed prisoner François Alcasan, through which the Macrobes communicate with the N.I.C.E. It is the primary antagonist of the novel, and its leadership makes the N.I.C.E. an…
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John Wither
John Wither is the Deputy Director of the N.I.C.E. and the institution’s second-in-command behind the Head. He and Professor Frost are the only members of the N.I.C.E. who understand the Head’s demonic power, and…
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Miss Hardcastle, nicknamed “The Fairy,” is the head of the N.I.C.E.’s private police force. She sanctions and participates in their acts of police brutality, and she leads the plot to incite riots in Edgestow in…
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Merlinus Ambrosius (Merlin)
Merlin is an ancient wizard of Logres often spoken of in Arthurian legend. Local rumors claim that he has slept since the age of Logres under the ground at Bragdon Wood, and those rumors…
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Professor Augustus Frost
Professor Frost is the only member of the N.I.C.E. besides Wither to know the true nature of the Head and the demonic Macrobes. Frost aligns himself with the Macrobes in their attempt to wipe…
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Mrs. Margaret Dimble
Mrs. Dimble is a friend of Jane’s who moves into the Manor and joins Ransom’s company of Logres. Other members of Logres call her “Mother Dimble,” and Ransom presents her to Jane as…
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Cecil Dimble
Cecil Dimble is the husband of Mrs. Dimble and a scholar of Arthurian myth at the University of Edgestow. Dimble is a kindly and intelligent man who highlights the good side of academia. He provides…
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Dr. Filostrato
Dr. Filostrato is an Italian physiologist in the N.I.C.E. He knows about the Head’s existence but not its true evil nature; he believes it to be the product of his scientific genius and proof…
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Reverend Straik
Reverend Straik is a member of the N.I.C.E. who believes himself to be a prophet capable of wielding science as a divine weapon. He is a member of the inner circle that Mark joins in…
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Curry is the Sub-Warden of Bracton College and a friend of Mark Studdock at the start of the book. Curry leads the unofficial “Progressive Element,” a clique of Bracton Fellows that Mark joins. Mark takes…
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Andrew MacPhee
Andrew MacPhee is the resident skeptic of the society of Logres that forms in the Manor. He does not believe in magic or mysticism, and he often demands that his fellow residents of Ransom’s…
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Ivy Maggs
Mrs. Maggs is the Studdocks’ former maid and a member of the company of Logres. She represents the impact the N.I.C.E.’s villainy has on ordinary people. She is among the townspeople driven out when the…
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Camilla Denniston
Camilla Denniston is a member of the company of Logres, along with her husband Arthur. She is the first person Jane meets at St. Anne’s, and the two become close friends. When the Oyéresu…
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Minor Characters
Grace Ironwood
Grace Ironwood is a doctor and a member the company of Logres. Jane comes to Miss Ironwood for advice about her prophetic dreams, and though Miss Ironwood presents an imposing figure, she helps Jane and explains to her the divine conflict of the novel.
Arthur Denniston
Arthur Denniston is Camilla’s husband and a member the company of Logres. The Dennistons’ loving marriage contrasts with the strained relationship between Jane and Mark. Denniston accompanies Jane to search for Merlin, during which time he realizes that Merlin represents a lost age of Britain.
The Tramp
The tramp is a homeless man whom the N.I.C.E. believe to be Merlin. They bring him to Belbury, where he refuses to speak to any of the members besides Mark. The secret friendship that Mark forms with the tramp fulfills Mark’s yearning to be part of a “secret circle.”
William Hingest
William Hingest is an employee at the N.I.C.E. who decides to leave when he realizes the evil of the organization. The N.I.C.E. murders him and frames Mark to keep Mark in their control.
Mr. Bultitude
Mr. Bultitude is a bear that Ransom has tamed with his eldilic powers. Toward the end of the novel, the N.I.C.E. captures him for their animal experiments. When Merlin sets the animals free, Mr. Bultitude kills many of the members of the N.I.C.E.
François Alcasan
Alcasan is a prisoner who was executed before the story takes place. The N.I.C.E. turns his severed head into the Head.
Horace Jules
Horace Jules is a journalist and the figurehead Director of the N.I.C.E. He is unaware that the Head is truly in control of the organization.
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