That Hideous Strength


C. S. Lewis

Cecil Dimble is the husband of Mrs. Dimble and a scholar of Arthurian myth at the University of Edgestow. Dimble is a kindly and intelligent man who highlights the good side of academia. He provides the followers of Logres information about Logres, the ancient Arthurian kingdom that is now led by Ransom and that represents the best of English tradition. Dimble accompanies Jane on her search for Merlin, and he also opens Mark’s eyes to the harm he is doing as the N.I.C.E.’s propagandist.

Cecil Dimble Quotes in That Hideous Strength

The That Hideous Strength quotes below are all either spoken by Cecil Dimble or refer to Cecil Dimble. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

She liked her clothes to be rather severe and in colours that were really good on serious aesthetic grounds––clothes which would make it plain to everyone that she was an intelligent adult and not a woman of the chocolate-box variety––and because of this preference she did not know that she was interested in clothes at all. She was therefore a little annoyed when Mrs. Dimble met her coming out of Sparrow’s and said: “Hullo, dear! Been buying a hat? Come home to lunch and let’s see it. Cecil has the car just round the corner.”

Related Characters: Jane Studdock , Mark Studdock, Mrs. Margaret Dimble, Cecil Dimble
Page Number: 26
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“How lovely it’s looking!” said Jane quite sincerely as she got out of the car. The Dimbles’ garden was famous.

“You’d better take a good look at it then,” said Dr. Dimble.

[…] “[P]oor dear, her husband is one of the villains of the piece. Anyway, I expect she knows.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” said Jane.

“Your own college is being so tiresome, dear. They’re turning us out. They won’t renew the lease.”

“Oh, Mrs. Dimble!” exclaimed Jane. “And I didn’t even know this was Bracton property.”

“There you are!” said Mrs. Dimble. “One half of the world doesn’t know how the other half lives. Here have I been imagining that you were using all your influence with Mr. Studdock to try to save us, whereas in reality––”

“Mark never talks to me about College business.”

“Good husbands never do,” said Dr. Dimble.

Related Characters: Jane Studdock (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Dimble (speaker), Cecil Dimble (speaker)
Page Number: 27
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Chapter 13 Quotes

“Merlin is the reverse of Belbury. […] He is the last vestige of an old order in which matter and spirit were, from our modern point of view, confused. For him every operation on Nature is a kind of personal contact, like coaxing a child or stroking one’s horse. After him came the modern man to whom Nature is something dead––a machine to be worked, and taken to bits if it won’t work the way he pleases. Finally, come the Belbury people, who take over that view from the modern man unaltered and simply want to increase their power by tacking on to it the aid of spirits […]. In a sense, Merlin represents what we’ve got to get back to in some different way.”

Related Characters: Cecil Dimble (speaker), Jane Studdock , Merlinus Ambrosius (Merlin), Mrs. Margaret Dimble
Page Number: 283
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Cecil Dimble Quotes in That Hideous Strength

The That Hideous Strength quotes below are all either spoken by Cecil Dimble or refer to Cecil Dimble. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

She liked her clothes to be rather severe and in colours that were really good on serious aesthetic grounds––clothes which would make it plain to everyone that she was an intelligent adult and not a woman of the chocolate-box variety––and because of this preference she did not know that she was interested in clothes at all. She was therefore a little annoyed when Mrs. Dimble met her coming out of Sparrow’s and said: “Hullo, dear! Been buying a hat? Come home to lunch and let’s see it. Cecil has the car just round the corner.”

Related Characters: Jane Studdock , Mark Studdock, Mrs. Margaret Dimble, Cecil Dimble
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:
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“How lovely it’s looking!” said Jane quite sincerely as she got out of the car. The Dimbles’ garden was famous.

“You’d better take a good look at it then,” said Dr. Dimble.

[…] “[P]oor dear, her husband is one of the villains of the piece. Anyway, I expect she knows.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” said Jane.

“Your own college is being so tiresome, dear. They’re turning us out. They won’t renew the lease.”

“Oh, Mrs. Dimble!” exclaimed Jane. “And I didn’t even know this was Bracton property.”

“There you are!” said Mrs. Dimble. “One half of the world doesn’t know how the other half lives. Here have I been imagining that you were using all your influence with Mr. Studdock to try to save us, whereas in reality––”

“Mark never talks to me about College business.”

“Good husbands never do,” said Dr. Dimble.

Related Characters: Jane Studdock (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Dimble (speaker), Cecil Dimble (speaker)
Page Number: 27
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“Merlin is the reverse of Belbury. […] He is the last vestige of an old order in which matter and spirit were, from our modern point of view, confused. For him every operation on Nature is a kind of personal contact, like coaxing a child or stroking one’s horse. After him came the modern man to whom Nature is something dead––a machine to be worked, and taken to bits if it won’t work the way he pleases. Finally, come the Belbury people, who take over that view from the modern man unaltered and simply want to increase their power by tacking on to it the aid of spirits […]. In a sense, Merlin represents what we’ve got to get back to in some different way.”

Related Characters: Cecil Dimble (speaker), Jane Studdock , Merlinus Ambrosius (Merlin), Mrs. Margaret Dimble
Page Number: 283
Explanation and Analysis: