That Hideous Strength


C. S. Lewis

Mrs. Maggs is the Studdocks’ former maid and a member of the company of Logres. She represents the impact the N.I.C.E.’s villainy has on ordinary people. She is among the townspeople driven out when the N.I.C.E. purchase Bragdon Wood. Her husband is in jail, and on the day of his release, the N.I.C.E. imprisons him again as part of their experiments on prisoners.
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Ivy Maggs Character Timeline in That Hideous Strength

The timeline below shows where the character Ivy Maggs appears in That Hideous Strength. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
After breakfast, Jane wonders why her maid Ivy Maggs hasn’t come to work, and Mrs. Dimble explains that Mrs. Maggs was among the people... (full context)
Chapter 6
...When she wakes, she goes to Edgestow to look for a new maid to replace Mrs. Maggs . While in town, she recognizes Professor Frost from her visions. She is repulsed by... (full context)
Chapter 7
Mrs. Maggs , Camilla, and Denniston bring Jane to Miss Ironwood, who helps Jane identify the man... (full context)
Chapter 8
Jane recuperates in Mr. Fisher-King’s Manor, where Mrs. Maggs tends to her. During her recovery, Jane finds an enormous brown bear living in the... (full context)
Chapter 14
Mrs. Dimble and Jane prepare a house on the Manor’s estate for Mrs. Maggs ’s husband, who is being released from jail, and the diligence of housework reminds Jane... (full context)
Mr. Bultitude wanders the garden, missing Mrs. Maggs in an unspecified animal way. Mr. Bultitude climbs over the garden wall and immediately regrets... (full context)
Chapter 16
...the N.I.C.E., robbing them of their ability to understand one another. He liberates Mr. Bultitude, Mrs. Maggs ’s husband, and the other people and animals held prisoner by the N.I.C.E. The tramp... (full context)