That Hideous Strength


C. S. Lewis

Camilla Denniston Character Analysis

Camilla Denniston is a member of the company of Logres, along with her husband Arthur. She is the first person Jane meets at St. Anne’s, and the two become close friends. When the Oyéresu visit St. Anne’s, Jane can see the love between Camilla and her husband as a tangible force, which highlights the divine power of love and shines a light on Jane’s own troubled marriage.
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Camilla Denniston Character Timeline in That Hideous Strength

The timeline below shows where the character Camilla Denniston appears in That Hideous Strength. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Meanwhile, Jane visits Miss Ironwood at her home on St. Anne’s-on-the-Hill. A woman named Camilla Denniston brings Jane to Miss Ironwood, who matches the imposing woman from Jane’s dream. Jane... (full context)
Chapter 5
During this time, Jane’s mental state is deteriorating. She befriends Camilla, whom she met at Miss Ironwood’s home, and her husband Mr. Denniston. They tell Jane... (full context)
Chapter 7
Mrs. Maggs, Camilla, and Denniston bring Jane to Miss Ironwood, who helps Jane identify the man she’s been... (full context)
Chapter 9
...who are opposed to the corrupted eldils of Earth. Jane goes on a walk with Camilla, who refers to Ransom as the Pendragon of Logres, or the leader of the kingdom... (full context)
Chapter 15 the Manor are filled with joy and appreciation for life. Jane watches Denniston and Camilla and sees their love as a bright, divine energy. Perelandra (Venus) arrives, followed by Malacandra... (full context)