That Hideous Strength


C. S. Lewis

Macrobes Term Analysis

“Macrobes” is the name by which Professor Frost and the N.I.C.E. refer to Earth’s dark eldils. They are analogous to Christian demons, and their leadership of the N.I.C.E. (which they achieved by communicating with the N.I.C.E. members through the Head) is a corrupting influence on N.I.C.E. members.

Macrobes Quotes in That Hideous Strength

The That Hideous Strength quotes below are all either spoken by Macrobes or refer to Macrobes. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 16 Quotes

Therefore [Wither] knew that everything was lost. It is incredible how little this knowledge moved him. It could not, because he had long ceased to believe in knowledge itself. What had been in his far-off youth a merely aesthetic repugnance to realities that were crude or vulgar, had deepened and darkened, year after year, into a fixed refusal of everything that was in any degree other than himself. […] He had willed with his whole heart that there should be no reality and no truth, and now even the imminence of his own ruin could not wake him. The last scene of Dr. Faustus where the man raves and implores on the edge of Hell is, perhaps, stage fire. The last moments before damnation are not often so dramatic.

Related Characters: John Wither, Merlinus Ambrosius (Merlin)
Page Number: 350
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Macrobes Term Timeline in That Hideous Strength

The timeline below shows where the term Macrobes appears in That Hideous Strength. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12
...tells Mark that the consciousness of the Head is not that of Alcasan, but a “Macrobe,” an unearthly species far more intelligent than humans. Far from aligning with the N.I.C.E.’s professed... (full context)