The Alchemist


Paulo Coelho

As they travel toward the pyramids, Santiago and the alchemist are taken prisoner by a tribe engaged in the desert wars. The alchemist bargains for their lives by asking that they be given three days to let Santiago demonstrate that he can turn himself into the wind. As Santiago attempts this, the wind blows fiercely. While the other tribesmen beg to end the storm, the general insists that he wants to see the power of Allah, and won’t give up until Santiago succeeds. Once Santiago succeeds, the general honors his promise and frees him and the alchemist.
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The Enemy Chieftan Character Timeline in The Alchemist

The timeline below shows where the character The Enemy Chieftan appears in The Alchemist. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part Two
The tribesmen take Santiago and the alchemist to their nearby camp. There they meet the enemy chieftain , who believes that they are spies. The alchemist protests that they are just travelers.... (full context)
The enemy chieftain wonders what an alchemist is. The alchemist says that an alchemist understands the forces of... (full context)
...fear. Santiago exclaims angrily that the alchemist has willingly given all of his gold to the enemy chieftain , but the alchemist says that the money has saved them for three days. Santiago... (full context)
On the third day, the enemy chieftain meets with his counselors. He says that they should go see the boy turn himself... (full context)
...overwhelmed by the wind and dust of a desert storm. Two of the tribesmen tell the enemy chieftain that they had better stop Santiago's project to be safe, but the enemy chieftain insists... (full context)
...power, but two people are happy: the alchemist, because Santiago is his ideal student, and the enemy chieftain , because he has witnessed the glory of Allah. The next day the enemy chieftain... (full context)
...the gold to Santiago, to repay him for the amount that the alchemist gave to the enemy chieftain . The alchemist saves a quarter for himself. The final quarter he gives to the... (full context)