The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek


Kim Michele Richardson

Henry Marshall Character Analysis

Henry Marshall is Winnie Parker’s star student at the mountain school. He’s hungry for knowledge and books, and he wins the school’s spelling bee. He’s also generous—he shares his prize with Cussy Mary Carter—and loving towards his large family of siblings. Henry wants to grow up to be a Pack Horse librarian himself, although his family’s extreme poverty means that he suffers from extreme malnutrition and pellagra as a result.

Henry Marshall Quotes in The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

The The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek quotes below are all either spoken by Henry Marshall or refer to Henry Marshall. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11  Quotes

Pa and I had seen our share of hunger. We only had the berries, morels, squirrels, rabbits, and other life we’d pinched from the forest. Sometimes Pa’d trade the miners his kills for other foods we couldn’t get, like eggs, corn, and fruit. Rarely could we afford the expensive staples at the Company store. The Company scrip and my paycheck helped us to stay afloat a little, despite Pa using most of it to buy up the store medicines rather than a doctor’s stronger ones to fight his lung illness. Still, he stayed in debt purchasing newfangled medicines, the next sure-fix potion that the store would bring in. Like a small bandage, the store-bought medicine would hide his sickness for a little bit, so that he could go back down into the mine and make more money for newer cures the Company kept stocking and pushing on the miners.

Related Characters: Cussy Mary Carter (speaker), Pa (Elijah Carter), Henry Marshall
Page Number: 93-94
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Chapter 21  Quotes

Winnie clasped her hands. “If only we could get more outreach programs up here. If only they could send a block of cheese with every book, a loaf of bread.” She tilted her head to the sky as if telling it to God.

I wished it too. Their hunger for books could teach them of a better life free of the hunger, but without food they’d never live long enough to have the strength to find it.

“Just one damn block of cheese,” Winnie scratched out in a whisper.

I thought of the cheese Doc promised. If I could bargain with him for more food, I could give it to the schoolchildren.

Related Characters: Cussy Mary Carter (speaker), Winnie Parker (speaker), Pa (Elijah Carter), Doc, Henry Marshall
Related Symbols: Books, Food
Page Number: 147
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Henry Marshall Quotes in The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

The The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek quotes below are all either spoken by Henry Marshall or refer to Henry Marshall. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11  Quotes

Pa and I had seen our share of hunger. We only had the berries, morels, squirrels, rabbits, and other life we’d pinched from the forest. Sometimes Pa’d trade the miners his kills for other foods we couldn’t get, like eggs, corn, and fruit. Rarely could we afford the expensive staples at the Company store. The Company scrip and my paycheck helped us to stay afloat a little, despite Pa using most of it to buy up the store medicines rather than a doctor’s stronger ones to fight his lung illness. Still, he stayed in debt purchasing newfangled medicines, the next sure-fix potion that the store would bring in. Like a small bandage, the store-bought medicine would hide his sickness for a little bit, so that he could go back down into the mine and make more money for newer cures the Company kept stocking and pushing on the miners.

Related Characters: Cussy Mary Carter (speaker), Pa (Elijah Carter), Henry Marshall
Page Number: 93-94
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Chapter 21  Quotes

Winnie clasped her hands. “If only we could get more outreach programs up here. If only they could send a block of cheese with every book, a loaf of bread.” She tilted her head to the sky as if telling it to God.

I wished it too. Their hunger for books could teach them of a better life free of the hunger, but without food they’d never live long enough to have the strength to find it.

“Just one damn block of cheese,” Winnie scratched out in a whisper.

I thought of the cheese Doc promised. If I could bargain with him for more food, I could give it to the schoolchildren.

Related Characters: Cussy Mary Carter (speaker), Winnie Parker (speaker), Pa (Elijah Carter), Doc, Henry Marshall
Related Symbols: Books, Food
Page Number: 147
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