The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek


Kim Michele Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Evans Character Analysis

Mr. and Mrs. Evans are patrons on Cussy Mary Carter’s Pack Horse library route. Their son has moved to Nebraska where he is raising cattle, and occasionally Cussy Mary helps read his letters to Mrs. Evans, who is not literate. Although the Evanses are uncomfortable with the blue-skinned Cussy Mary, they appreciate her services as a librarian.
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Mr. and Mrs. Evans Character Timeline in The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. and Mrs. Evans appears in The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12
...with their books, and she has mail for the Evanses. Mr. Evans is away, and Mrs. Evans is illiterate, so she asks Cussy to read the letter to her. The letter from... (full context)
...underfed, but too prideful to accept charity. So Cussy tricks him into eating the bread Mrs. Evans gave her. Before she leaves, she has another trick up her sleeve, convincing Timmy to... (full context)