The City of Ember


Jeanne DuPrau

Doon Harrow Character Analysis

One of the novel’s protagonists. Doon is 12 years old, serious beyond his years, and pragmatic. He doesn’t believe that things are great in Ember; the regular blackouts and dwindling food stores make it clear that something’s wrong. Doon has a mechanical mind and so studies things like electricity and insects, though he eventually admits that he’ll never understand electricity without seeing the generator. Because of this, getting a job as a Pipeworks laborer seems, at first, to be ideal, as the generator is in the Pipeworks. However, Doon’s first day on the job impresses upon him that every part of Ember is failing—and to make things worse, nobody knows how the generator works. This makes Doon extremely angry, something that Doon’s father warns him against time and again. Despite this, Doon takes his father’s advice to heart and dedicates himself to exploring the Pipeworks, looking for anything that might be useful. When Doon’s former friend Lina approaches him about her document, Doon agrees that it’s important and throws himself into helping her figure it out. Even more than Lina, Doon is hurt, angry, and feels personally betrayed by Mayor Cole’s corruption. He recognizes that engaging in the kind of corruption like Mayor Cole and Looper engage in doesn’t help anyone, but he also makes the mistake of believing that the correct course of action is to trust in other authority figures to make things right. Though Doon has good intentions, he also dreams of being a hero and receiving recognition of some sort for saving the city. Because of this, he insists that he and Lina keep their plans secret as they deduce that the Instructions detail how to leave Ember. They plan to announce their discovery at the yearly Singing, but this plan is foiled when Mayor Cole tries to arrest them. Doon manages to convert his anger into a more useful emotion as he uses it to keep Lina safe, and the two leave Ember with Lina’s sister, Poppy, unnoticed. Once aboveground, Doon feels like they’re supposed to be a part of that world.

Doon Harrow Quotes in The City of Ember

The The City of Ember quotes below are all either spoken by Doon Harrow or refer to Doon Harrow. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

“Can you explain to me about the generator?” he asked. “Can you tell me how it works?”

The old man just sighed. “All I know is, the river makes it go.”

“But how?”

The man shrugged. “Who knows? Our job is just to keep it from breaking down.”

Related Characters: Doon Harrow (speaker), The Builders, The Seventh Mayor
Related Symbols: The River
Page Number: 48
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Chapter 8 Quotes

He found another supply closet at the far south end of the Pipeworks—at least, he assumed that’s what it was. It was at the end of a tunnel with a rope strung across it; a sign hanging from the rope said, “Caved In. No Entry.” Doon entered anyway, ducking under the rope. He found no sign of a cave-in, but there were no lights.

Related Characters: Doon Harrow, Mayor Cole
Page Number: 115
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

That’s the solution he keeps telling us about. It’s a solution for him, not the rest of us. He gets everything he needs, and we get the leftovers! He doesn’t care about the city. All he cares about is his fat stomach!”

Related Characters: Doon Harrow (speaker), Lina Mayfleet, Mayor Cole
Page Number: 158-59
Explanation and Analysis:

“If this were an ordinary situation, the mayor would be the one to tell.”

“But the mayor is the one committing the crime,” said Doon.

“So then we should tell the guards, I guess,” said Lina. “They’re next in authority next to the mayor. Though I don’t like them much, [...] Especially the chief guard.”

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet (speaker), Doon Harrow (speaker), Mayor Cole, Redge Stabmark
Page Number: 161
Explanation and Analysis:

“My grandmother died.”

“Oh!” Doon’s face fell. “That’s so sad,” he said. “I’m sorry.” His sympathy made tears spring to Lina’s eyes. Doon looked startled for a moment, and then he took a step toward her and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a squeeze so quick and tight that it made her cough, and then it made her laugh. She realized all at once that Doon [...] was the person she knew better than anyone now. He was her best friend.

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet (speaker), Doon Harrow (speaker), Granny
Page Number: 161
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 15 Quotes

For a moment, the fear he’d felt when he saw the guards was replaced by rage. The familiar hot wave rose in him, and he wanted to grab a handful of his father’s nails or pot shards and throw them against the wall. But all at once he remembered: if the guards were after him, they’d be after Lina, too. He had to warn her. He dashed down the stairs, his anger turning into power for his running feet.

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet, Doon Harrow
Page Number: 201
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

“Because that’s what I suddenly realized on the roof of the Gathering Hall, Doon. I’d been thinking before that I had to leave Poppy because she’d be safe with Mrs. Murdo. But when the lights went out, I suddenly knew: There is no safety in Ember. Not for long. Not for anyone. I couldn’t leave her behind. Whatever happens to us now, it’s better than what’s going to happen there.”

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet (speaker), Doon Harrow, Mrs. Murdo, Poppy Mayfleet
Page Number: 247
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Disaster seems very close. Everything will be all right, they tell us, but only a few people believe them. Why, if it’s going to be all right, do we see it getting worse every day?

And of course this plan is proof that they think the world is doomed.

Related Characters: The Woman (speaker), Lina Mayfleet, Doon Harrow, The Builders
Page Number: 259
Explanation and Analysis:
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Doon Harrow Quotes in The City of Ember

The The City of Ember quotes below are all either spoken by Doon Harrow or refer to Doon Harrow. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

“Can you explain to me about the generator?” he asked. “Can you tell me how it works?”

The old man just sighed. “All I know is, the river makes it go.”

“But how?”

The man shrugged. “Who knows? Our job is just to keep it from breaking down.”

Related Characters: Doon Harrow (speaker), The Builders, The Seventh Mayor
Related Symbols: The River
Page Number: 48
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Chapter 8 Quotes

He found another supply closet at the far south end of the Pipeworks—at least, he assumed that’s what it was. It was at the end of a tunnel with a rope strung across it; a sign hanging from the rope said, “Caved In. No Entry.” Doon entered anyway, ducking under the rope. He found no sign of a cave-in, but there were no lights.

Related Characters: Doon Harrow, Mayor Cole
Page Number: 115
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

That’s the solution he keeps telling us about. It’s a solution for him, not the rest of us. He gets everything he needs, and we get the leftovers! He doesn’t care about the city. All he cares about is his fat stomach!”

Related Characters: Doon Harrow (speaker), Lina Mayfleet, Mayor Cole
Page Number: 158-59
Explanation and Analysis:

“If this were an ordinary situation, the mayor would be the one to tell.”

“But the mayor is the one committing the crime,” said Doon.

“So then we should tell the guards, I guess,” said Lina. “They’re next in authority next to the mayor. Though I don’t like them much, [...] Especially the chief guard.”

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet (speaker), Doon Harrow (speaker), Mayor Cole, Redge Stabmark
Page Number: 161
Explanation and Analysis:

“My grandmother died.”

“Oh!” Doon’s face fell. “That’s so sad,” he said. “I’m sorry.” His sympathy made tears spring to Lina’s eyes. Doon looked startled for a moment, and then he took a step toward her and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a squeeze so quick and tight that it made her cough, and then it made her laugh. She realized all at once that Doon [...] was the person she knew better than anyone now. He was her best friend.

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet (speaker), Doon Harrow (speaker), Granny
Page Number: 161
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 15 Quotes

For a moment, the fear he’d felt when he saw the guards was replaced by rage. The familiar hot wave rose in him, and he wanted to grab a handful of his father’s nails or pot shards and throw them against the wall. But all at once he remembered: if the guards were after him, they’d be after Lina, too. He had to warn her. He dashed down the stairs, his anger turning into power for his running feet.

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet, Doon Harrow
Page Number: 201
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

“Because that’s what I suddenly realized on the roof of the Gathering Hall, Doon. I’d been thinking before that I had to leave Poppy because she’d be safe with Mrs. Murdo. But when the lights went out, I suddenly knew: There is no safety in Ember. Not for long. Not for anyone. I couldn’t leave her behind. Whatever happens to us now, it’s better than what’s going to happen there.”

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet (speaker), Doon Harrow, Mrs. Murdo, Poppy Mayfleet
Page Number: 247
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Disaster seems very close. Everything will be all right, they tell us, but only a few people believe them. Why, if it’s going to be all right, do we see it getting worse every day?

And of course this plan is proof that they think the world is doomed.

Related Characters: The Woman (speaker), Lina Mayfleet, Doon Harrow, The Builders
Page Number: 259
Explanation and Analysis: