The City of Ember


Jeanne DuPrau

Doon’s Father Character Analysis

Doon’s father is a tall, thin, bald man. Unlike Doon, Doon’s father is mild-mannered, logical, and in Doon’s opinion, seems incapable of anger. He runs a shop that sells various small objects like shoe heels and old tacks. Throughout the novel, Doon’s father counsels Doon to control his anger and through doing so, avoid unintended consequences. Though he validates Doon’s frustrations and fears, he also encourages Doon to recognize that people Doon despises, like Mayor Cole, are also in difficult positions and deserve compassion. He also tells Doon to keep his eyes open for information that others might miss.
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Doon’s Father Character Timeline in The City of Ember

The timeline below shows where the character Doon’s Father appears in The City of Ember. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
...when everything is dark and dire. Doon heads for the apartment he shares with his father, which is above his father’s Small Items shop. It contains bits of things that might... (full context) be the one to save Ember by figuring out the mystery of electricity. Doon’s father has been telling him for his entire life that Doon is smart and will do... (full context)
Doon apologizes and explains that he got angry. Doon’s father asks about Doon’s first day at work, and Doon tells him everything. With a sigh,... (full context)
Doon goes and fetches a box from his room and he and Doon’s father peer into it. It contains a small, green worm with stubby legs and some cabbage... (full context)
Chapter 6
On the other side of the square, Doon and Doon’s father escape the crowd too and head home the long way. Doon suggests that Mayor Cole... (full context)
Chapter 8
...blackout, however, Doon has vowed to not waste any time. He pays attention, like Doon’s father said to do. Doon follows his map for the most part, but he leaves trails... (full context)
Chapter 13
Doon struggles to sleep. The noise of him tossing and turning wakes Doon’s father, who asks if Doon is worrying. Doon wants to tell his father everything, knowing that... (full context)
Chapter 15
...a plan for the next day and then run home. Doon knows that tomorrow, his father will be so proud and happy when he learns what Doon found. Doon is even... (full context)
...Singing starts to head for the Pipeworks. Lina slips out, thinking of how scared Doon’s father and Mrs. Murdo will be when they see the posters and realize that they’re gone.... (full context)
Chapter 17
...he has to run. When he sees a poster, Doon knows he’s only making Doon’s father worry. He falters, but thinks that he’s committed now. Quickly, Doon scribbles a message to... (full context)