Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Alice Walker's The Color Purple. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The Color Purple: Introduction
The Color Purple: Plot Summary
The Color Purple: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The Color Purple: Themes
The Color Purple: Quotes
The Color Purple: Characters
The Color Purple: Symbols
The Color Purple: Literary Devices
The Color Purple: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Alice Walker

Historical Context of The Color Purple
Other Books Related to The Color Purple
- Full Title: The Color Purple
- When Written: 1981-82
- Where Written: New York City
- When Published: 1982
- Literary Period: postmodernism in America
- Genre: Epistolary novel; the 20th-century African-American novel; 20th-century feminist writing
- Setting: Georgia and coastal Africa, roughly 1920-1950
- Climax: Nettie and Celie are reunited, just before the novel's end, back in Georgia
- Antagonist: Mr. and Pa
- Point of View: first-person (epistolary, or a novel-in-letters)
Extra Credit for The Color Purple
White-black relations in the film version of The Color Purple. The film The Color Purple was directed by Stephen Spielberg, a white, male filmmaker. The film itself deals almost exclusively with the lives, troubles, and eventual triumph of African Americans, and some complained, during the film's production and release, that Spielberg did not have a right to direct a film running so counter to his personal experience. But Spielberg's efforts and response, implied in the film, point to the universality of Celie's experience, and to the applicability of the novel to people from all walks of life, and of all gender and racial backgrounds.