The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


F. Scott Fitzgerald

Doctor Keene is the doctor who delivers Benjamin. Although he has been the Buttons’ family doctor for many years, he angrily tells Roger Button that he never wants to see anyone from his family again, fearing that Benjamin’s birth—and, more specifically, his strange medical condition—might ruin his reputation as a doctor.

Doctor Keene Quotes in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The The Curious Case of Benjamin Button quotes below are all either spoken by Doctor Keene or refer to Doctor Keene. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Here now!” cried Doctor Keene in a perfect passion of irritation, “I’ll ask you to go and see for yourself. Outrageous!” He snapped the last word out in almost one syllable, then he turned away muttering: “Do you imagine a case like this will help my professional reputation? One more would ruin me—ruin anybody.”

Related Characters: Roger Button (speaker), Doctor Keene (speaker), Benjamin Button
Page Number: 160
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“This is a fine place to keep a youngster of quiet tastes. With all this yelling and howling, I haven’t been able to get a wink of sleep. I asked for something to eat”—here his voice rose to a shrill note of protest—“and they brought me a bottle of milk!”

Mr. Button sank down upon a chair near his son and concealed his face in his hands. “My heavens!” he murmured, in an ecstasy of horror. “What will people say? What must I do?”

Related Characters: Benjamin Button (speaker), Roger Button (speaker), Doctor Keene, The Nurse
Page Number: 163
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Doctor Keene Quotes in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The The Curious Case of Benjamin Button quotes below are all either spoken by Doctor Keene or refer to Doctor Keene. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Here now!” cried Doctor Keene in a perfect passion of irritation, “I’ll ask you to go and see for yourself. Outrageous!” He snapped the last word out in almost one syllable, then he turned away muttering: “Do you imagine a case like this will help my professional reputation? One more would ruin me—ruin anybody.”

Related Characters: Roger Button (speaker), Doctor Keene (speaker), Benjamin Button
Page Number: 160
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“This is a fine place to keep a youngster of quiet tastes. With all this yelling and howling, I haven’t been able to get a wink of sleep. I asked for something to eat”—here his voice rose to a shrill note of protest—“and they brought me a bottle of milk!”

Mr. Button sank down upon a chair near his son and concealed his face in his hands. “My heavens!” he murmured, in an ecstasy of horror. “What will people say? What must I do?”

Related Characters: Benjamin Button (speaker), Roger Button (speaker), Doctor Keene, The Nurse
Page Number: 163
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