The Custody of the Pumpkin


P.G. Wodehouse

McAllister is Lord Emsworth’s head gardener, having worked at the estate for over 10 years. In contrast to his bumbling, upper-class employer, McAllister is an intelligent and dignified working-class man, if “a bit short on sweetness and light.” Despite his lower placement in the social hierarchy, McAllister is entirely unafraid of standing up to Emsworth’s more irrational demands, and he refuses to follow orders unless given good reason to. McAllister’s principles are so strong, that when he is asked to banish his own cousin, he simply resigns from his position and refuses to return until given adequate incentive to do so. McAllister is an exceptionally talented gardener, and it seems that he is singlehandedly responsible for the success of Lord Emsworth’s pumpkin at the Shrewsbury Show.

Angus McAllister Quotes in The Custody of the Pumpkin

The The Custody of the Pumpkin quotes below are all either spoken by Angus McAllister or refer to Angus McAllister. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Aristocracy and Power Theme Icon
The Custody of the Pumpkin Quotes

And, though normally a fair-minded and reasonable man, well aware that modern earls must think twice before pulling the feudal stuff on their employés, he took on the forthright truculence of a large landowner of the early Normal period ticking off a serf.

Related Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, Angus McAllister
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:

A curious expression came into Angus McAllister’s face—always excepting the occupied territories. It was the look of a man who has not forgotten Bannockburn, a man conscious of belonging to the country of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce.

Related Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, Angus McAllister
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:

In an age of rush and hurry like that of today, an age in which there are innumerable calls on the time of everyone, it is possible that here and there throughout the ranks of those who have read this chronicle there may be one or two who for various reasons found themselves unable to attend the last Agricultural Show at Shrewsbury.

Related Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, Angus McAllister
Page Number: 127
Explanation and Analysis:
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Angus McAllister Quotes in The Custody of the Pumpkin

The The Custody of the Pumpkin quotes below are all either spoken by Angus McAllister or refer to Angus McAllister. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Aristocracy and Power Theme Icon
The Custody of the Pumpkin Quotes

And, though normally a fair-minded and reasonable man, well aware that modern earls must think twice before pulling the feudal stuff on their employés, he took on the forthright truculence of a large landowner of the early Normal period ticking off a serf.

Related Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, Angus McAllister
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:

A curious expression came into Angus McAllister’s face—always excepting the occupied territories. It was the look of a man who has not forgotten Bannockburn, a man conscious of belonging to the country of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce.

Related Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, Angus McAllister
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:

In an age of rush and hurry like that of today, an age in which there are innumerable calls on the time of everyone, it is possible that here and there throughout the ranks of those who have read this chronicle there may be one or two who for various reasons found themselves unable to attend the last Agricultural Show at Shrewsbury.

Related Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, Angus McAllister
Page Number: 127
Explanation and Analysis: