Eric is first introduced as an unnamed man/husband in the story “Seven.” Although he is the main character in the story, neither he nor his wife are ever named. He is a Haitian immigrant to the U.S. who lives in Brooklyn and who is separated from his wife for seven years by the American immigration system. He has two jobs, one as a day janitor and one as a night janitor at Medgar Evers College, and this detail alerts the reader to the fact that he is Eric, Nadine’s ex-boyfriend and the father of her aborted child. Indeed, in “Seven” Danticat notes that Eric had several affairs with other women while separated from his wife, but that none of these meant much to him. However, in “Water Child,” he calls Nadine every month after they break up, leaving a short but kind message on her answering machine. Eric is a hard-working man who is overjoyed when he is finally reunited with his wife. However, he becomes increasingly despondent over the seemingly irreparable damage wreaked by the seven years they spent apart.