This climb up Desolation Peak has a lot in common with Ray and Japhy’s climb up Mount Matterhorn. Notably, both can be seen as metaphors for Ray’s quest for inner peace through Buddhism. Just like on Mount Matterhorn, Ray has to pass through a series of obstacles and difficult trail sections—but patience, resilience, and continual hard work are the keys to success. This resembles the way his meditation practice is about gradually learning to control the mind and perceive the truths of Buddhist scriptures, one step at a time. And just like when Ray faltered when he reached the summit of Mount Matterhorn, here, upon reaching the summit, he questions whether he’s made the right decision. Both also represent his doubts about Buddhism—namely, his suspicion that it might not bring him to the state of joy and inner peace that he desires. However, this time, Ray’s doubts are much weaker than they were at Mount Matterhorn. This suggests that he has gained confidence and comfort in his meditation practice over time.