The Dry


Jane Harper

Gerry Character Analysis

Gerry Hadler is the husband of Barb and the father of Luke. After Luke dies of a shotgun wound, seemingly turning the gun on himself after killing his wife (Karen) and son (Billy), Gerry calls Falk to come to Kiewarra and investigate. Although Gerry seems menacing at first, it turns out that he is just a grieving father who wants to know the truth about his son. Gerry fears the worst: that Luke not only killed his family but also killed Ellie, who drowned mysteriously 20 years ago. Ultimately, Falk puts all of Gerry’s fears to rest, clearing Luke’s name on all counts. Nevertheless, Gerry’s worries about his son’s reputation show how gossip spreads in a small town.

Gerry Quotes in The Dry

The The Dry quotes below are all either spoken by Gerry or refer to Gerry. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Human Cost of Climate Change  Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

Luke lied. You lied. Be at the funeral.

Related Characters: Gerry (speaker), Falk, Luke, Karen, Ellie, Billy, Charlotte
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
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Gerry Quotes in The Dry

The The Dry quotes below are all either spoken by Gerry or refer to Gerry. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Human Cost of Climate Change  Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

Luke lied. You lied. Be at the funeral.

Related Characters: Gerry (speaker), Falk, Luke, Karen, Ellie, Billy, Charlotte
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis: