The Fifth Child


Doris Lessing

Deborah Character Analysis

Sister to David, daughter of James and Molly. After the divorce, Deborah chose to live with James, whereas David remained with Molly. Deborah adopted her father’s wealthy lifestyle, while David did not. Deborah is unmarried with no children, and she visits the Lovatt family only occasionally. Her failed love life is a good-humored family joke.
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Deborah Character Timeline in The Fifth Child

The timeline below shows where the character Deborah appears in The Fifth Child. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Pages 3 – 33
Nature vs. Nurture Theme Icon
Idealism vs. Pragmatism Theme Icon
Conformity and Otherness Theme Icon
Biological Families vs. Nontraditional Families Theme Icon
Happiness vs. Contentment Theme Icon
...present. Jessica reminds James they’ll have to give something of equal value to David’s sister Deborah, but James says they already have, and that, anyway, they have more than enough money.... (full context)
Nature vs. Nurture Theme Icon
Idealism vs. Pragmatism Theme Icon
Conformity and Otherness Theme Icon
Biological Families vs. Nontraditional Families Theme Icon
...and they all agree that Harriet and David have a gift for hosting. David’s sister Deborah also arrives, unmarried, normally not fond of family gatherings like this, but drawn in by... (full context)
Pages 74 – 96
Nature vs. Nurture Theme Icon
Idealism vs. Pragmatism Theme Icon
Conformity and Otherness Theme Icon
Biological Families vs. Nontraditional Families Theme Icon
Happiness vs. Contentment Theme Icon not attend, unable to forgive Harriet for bringing Ben home. Among the guests is Deborah, newly divorced. Ben has become a mascot for John’s group of friends, treating Ben roughly,... (full context)