The Ghost Map


Steven Johnson

William Farr Character Analysis

Influential demographer whose data concerning the outbreak of cholera in London in the 1840s and 1850s was crucial to the research of John Snow. Farr was a firm believer in the miasma theory of disease for most of his early career; however, after befriending John Snow, he became an important advocate for the modern contagion theory, and used his influence to defend public health.

William Farr Quotes in The Ghost Map

The The Ghost Map quotes below are all either spoken by William Farr or refer to William Farr. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

Cities are invariably shaped by their master planners and their public officials; Chadwick and Farr had a tremendous impact on Victorian London—most of it positive, despite the miasma diversions. But in the last instance, the energy and vitality and innovation of cities comes from the Henry Whiteheads—the connectors and entrepreneurs and public characters who make the urban engine work at the street level.

Related Characters: Henry Whitehead, Edwin Chadwick, William Farr
Page Number: 225
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William Farr Quotes in The Ghost Map

The The Ghost Map quotes below are all either spoken by William Farr or refer to William Farr. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

Cities are invariably shaped by their master planners and their public officials; Chadwick and Farr had a tremendous impact on Victorian London—most of it positive, despite the miasma diversions. But in the last instance, the energy and vitality and innovation of cities comes from the Henry Whiteheads—the connectors and entrepreneurs and public characters who make the urban engine work at the street level.

Related Characters: Henry Whitehead, Edwin Chadwick, William Farr
Page Number: 225
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