The Gilded Six Bits


Zora Neale Hurston

Joe’s mother lives nearby in Eatonville. She “prayed…nightly” for the failure of Joe and Missie May’s marriage. After she helps Missie May deliver a son, she tells Joe that she had never thought well of the marriage because Missie May’s mother had been promiscuous, and she feared the same would prove true of Missie May. However, she is proud of the baby, whom she says is the spitting image of Joe, and seems to revise her opinion of Missie May and the marriage.

Joe’s Mother Quotes in The Gilded Six Bits

The The Gilded Six Bits quotes below are all either spoken by Joe’s Mother or refer to Joe’s Mother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Domesticity and Routine Theme Icon
The Gilded Six-Bits Quotes

Dat’s yourn all right, if you never git another one, dat un is yourn. And you know Ah’m mighty proud too, son, cause Ah never thought well of you marryin’ Missie May cause her ma used tuh fan her foot round right smart and Ah been mighty skeered dat Missie May wuz gointer git misput on her road.

Related Characters: Joe’s Mother (speaker), Missie May Banks, Joe Banks
Page Number: 97
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Joe’s Mother Quotes in The Gilded Six Bits

The The Gilded Six Bits quotes below are all either spoken by Joe’s Mother or refer to Joe’s Mother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Domesticity and Routine Theme Icon
The Gilded Six-Bits Quotes

Dat’s yourn all right, if you never git another one, dat un is yourn. And you know Ah’m mighty proud too, son, cause Ah never thought well of you marryin’ Missie May cause her ma used tuh fan her foot round right smart and Ah been mighty skeered dat Missie May wuz gointer git misput on her road.

Related Characters: Joe’s Mother (speaker), Missie May Banks, Joe Banks
Page Number: 97
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