Rachel Watson is the titular girl on the train and the novel’s primary narrator and protagonist. A divorcee and alcoholic in her mid-thirties, Rachel has also recently lost her job and seemingly her prospects for…
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Megan Hipwell / “Jess”
Megan Hipwell is one of the book’s narrators and protagonists. Megan is a young, artistic, sensitive woman with a dark past and a restless, insatiable spirit—and she’s missing when the events of the novel begin…
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Anna Watson
Anna Watson is one of the novel’s narrators and protagonists. As Tom Watson’s former mistress current wife, she feels a deep sense of anxiety and protectiveness when it comes to her marriage. Anna is…
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Tom Watson
Tom Watson is the lying, conniving, murderous antagonist of the novel. Tom disguises himself as a loving husband doing his best to make ends meet for his family—but as Rachel and Anna discover toward the…
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Scott Hipwell / “Jason”
Scott Hipwell is Megan’s hyper-masculine and volatile husband. An IT professional who runs his own business, Scott is both possessive of Megan and technologically savvy—which means that he seeks to control her by tracking…
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Kamal Abdic is a Muslim refugee from Bosnia working as a therapist in Witney, a suburb of London. When he begins seeing Megan Hipwell as a patient, Kamal is determined to help the troubled, restless…
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Cathy is Rachel’s roommate and longtime friend since their university days. Niceness, Rachel believes, is Cathy’s defining quality—no matter how many times Rachel gets into trouble or makes a drunken mess, she feels that…
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Detective Inspector Gaskill
Detective Inspector Gaskill is a middle-aged male detective who is in charge of Megan’s case. Rachel first meets him when he turns up at the apartment she shares with Cathy to question her about…
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Detective Sergeant Riley
Detective Sergeant Riley is a young female detective working Megan’s case. Riley, like Gaskill, is suspicious and wary of Rachel—but unlike Gaskill, Riley is more ready to pin Rachel down as a “sad” and lonely…
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The Redheaded Man / Andy
The redheaded man, whose name is later revealed to be Andy, is a commuter who lives in the London suburb of Witney. He often rides the train to and from the city at the same…
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Craig “Mac” McKenzie
Mac was Megan’s first love and a friend of her older brother Ben. Megan and Mac had child a together, Libby, who died just a few months into her short life. Several…
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Libby was Megan’s and Mac’s daughter. When Libby was just a few months old, Megan took Libby into the bath with her—but when Megan fell asleep, Libby drowned. Megan still carries the trauma…
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Tara Epstein
Tara is one of Megan’s acquaintances. Megan often uses hanging out with Tara—which she actually does very rarely—as an excuse to get out of the house. This allows her to get away from Scott…
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Minor Characters
Evie is Tom and Anna’s baby. She’s about a year and a half old during the novel’s main timeline.
Ben is Megan’s long-deceased older brother. An adventurous spirit throughout his 19 short years, Ben always encouraged Megan to pursue freedom and autonomy.
Damien is Cathy’s boyfriend.
Rachel’s Mother
Rachel’s mother is a flighty but apparently wealthy woman who constantly has a new boyfriend in her life.
Scott’s Mother
Scott’s slightly overbearing mother comes to town to help him cope in the wake of Megan’s disappearance.
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Tanner, Alexandra. "The Girl on the Train Characters." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 7 Aug 2020. Web. 27 Mar 2025.
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