The Girl with Seven Names


Hyeonseo Lee

Kim Jong-un Character Analysis

Kim Jong-il’s son, Kim Il-sung’s grandson, and the current dictator of North Korea and leader of the Kim regime. Kim Jong-un comes to power after the death of his father in 2011, and the oppression and human rights abuses of the North Korean people continue under his reign as well. Like most dictatorships, Hyeonseo suspects that Kim Jong-un isn’t as powerful as he pretends to be; however, Hyeonseo doesn’t think the suffering will end in North Korea anytime soon.

Kim Jong-un Quotes in The Girl with Seven Names

The The Girl with Seven Names quotes below are all either spoken by Kim Jong-un or refer to Kim Jong-un. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 53 Quotes

Behind the bluster, I sensed fear. Dictatorships may seem strong and unified, but they are always weaker than they appear. They are governed by the whim of one man, who can’t draw upon a wealth of discussion and debate, as democracies can, because he rules through terror and the only truth permitted is his own. Even so, I don’t think Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship is so weak that it will collapse any time soon. Sadly, as the historian Andrei Lankov put it, a regime that’s willing to kill as many people as it takes to stay in power tends to stay in power for a very long time.

Related Characters: Hyeonseo Lee (speaker), Kim Jong-un
Page Number: 290
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Kim Jong-un Quotes in The Girl with Seven Names

The The Girl with Seven Names quotes below are all either spoken by Kim Jong-un or refer to Kim Jong-un. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 53 Quotes

Behind the bluster, I sensed fear. Dictatorships may seem strong and unified, but they are always weaker than they appear. They are governed by the whim of one man, who can’t draw upon a wealth of discussion and debate, as democracies can, because he rules through terror and the only truth permitted is his own. Even so, I don’t think Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship is so weak that it will collapse any time soon. Sadly, as the historian Andrei Lankov put it, a regime that’s willing to kill as many people as it takes to stay in power tends to stay in power for a very long time.

Related Characters: Hyeonseo Lee (speaker), Kim Jong-un
Page Number: 290
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