The Girl with the Louding Voice


Abi Daré

Born-boy (Alao) Character Analysis

Born-boy is Adunni and Kayus’s older brother and Papa and Mama’s son. He is 19 years old and the family’s eldest child. His real name is Alao, and he works at Kassim Motors. Born-boy and Adunni are not very close. Unlike Kayus, who finds Adunni’s forced marriage with Morufu horrifying, Born-boy sees nothing wrong with the situation and believes Morufu to be a “good man.”
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Born-boy (Alao) Character Timeline in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The timeline below shows where the character Born-boy (Alao) appears in The Girl with the Louding Voice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
...urine stains of the youngest child, Kayus. There is a TV in the parlor, which Born-boy, the oldest child, found in the trash some years ago. The TV is used primarily... (full context)
Chapter 3
...who will care for Kayus once she marries Morufu. Adunni looks at her older brother, Born-boy, whose real name is Alao. Born-boy is 19 and very serious. He gets to sleep... (full context)
Chapter 17
...before her wedding. She leaves some behind for Kayus and takes the rest. She hears Born-boy entering the compound and goes outside to meet him, bag in hand. Born-boy is surprised... (full context)
Chapter 41
...and instead writes about her horrific marriage to Morufu; about Khadija, about Mama, Kayus, and Born-boy; and about how urgently she needs an education. She cites a few of the facts... (full context)