The Girl with the Louding Voice


Abi Daré

Caroline Bankole Character Analysis

Caroline Bankole is Big Madam’s best friend. She is the wife of a rich oil businessman. Caroline is having an affair with Big Daddy, which Big Madam discovers at the end of the novel. The affair leads Big Madam to kick Big Daddy out of the house. Caroline has an unusually friendly relationship with her housemaid, Chisom, giving Chisom food, nice clothes, and telling her secrets in exchange for her discretion.
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Caroline Bankole Character Timeline in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The timeline below shows where the character Caroline Bankole appears in The Girl with the Louding Voice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 28
...tells Adunni that the host of the most recent party was Big Madam’s good friend, Caroline Bankole, the wife of an oil businessman. According to Kofi, Big Daddy used to work... (full context)
Chapter 42
...Abu drives them to the shop, Big Madam complains over the phone to her friend Caroline about the upcoming election. She worries that Buhari will pass a law that will negatively... (full context) to bring back a bag of fabrics. When Adunni returns to the main room, Caroline is there, wearing tight jeans and a gold belly shirt. The fabrics that Big Madam... (full context)
Adunni arrives at Caroline’s Jeep. There, she finds Chisom chatting on a cell phone and eating jollof rice. Adunni... (full context)
Chapter 43
...the service before Chisom can say who Rebecca was supposed to marry, and Chisom’s madam, Caroline, brings her to the big auditorium midway through the service. (full context)
Chapter 50
...looks at it in horror. She falls to the floor as she cries, “Chief, ha! Caroline! Baby love? No!” Adunni wants to comfort Big Madam, but Big Madam remains unreachable as... (full context)
Chapter 53
Big Madam continues to talk to Kemi, explaining how Big Daddy’s affair with Caroline Bankole was her breaking point. She grows frustrated as she talks to Kemi, though, exclaiming,... (full context)
Chapter 54
...asks Big Madam if she has any evidence. Big Madam mentions Big Daddy’s affair with Caroline Bankole, and the room falls silent. (full context)