The Girl with the Louding Voice


Abi Daré

Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) Character Analysis

Big Daddy is Big Madam’s unemployed, lecherous, alcoholic husband. According to Kofi, Big Madam’s chef, Big Daddy is always away on “women business,” engaging in numerous affairs with women and underage girls. At the end of the novel, Adunni learns that Big Daddy impregnated Big Madam’s former housemaid, Rebecca, and promised to marry her before giving Rebecca a laced drink in an attempt to induce a miscarriage. Big Madam took Rebecca to the hospital before giving her money to leave and not come back. Over the course of Adunni’s employment at Big Madam’s house, Big Daddy repeatedly tries to manipulate her into a sexual relationship by offering her money and protection against his cruel and demanding wife. She escapes his advances on numerous occasions, though just barely. Near the end of the novel, Big Daddy almost succeeds in raping Adunni, but she escapes when Big Madam walks in on them. In the same scene, Big Madam sees her closet friend, Caroline Bankole, calling Big Daddy on his cell phone, which she sees as proof that Big Daddy has been having an affair with the woman. Due to this betrayal—seemingly not due Adunni’s attempted rape—Big Madam kicks Big Daddy out of the house. The way Big Daddy exploits and abuses the women and girls in his life is a small-scale example of the gendered inequality and violence that pervades the society of the novel.

Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) Quotes in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The The Girl with the Louding Voice quotes below are all either spoken by Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) or refer to Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 34 Quotes

I didn’t tell Ms. Tia that I ever marry Morufu or about all the things he did to me in the room after he drink Fire-Cracker. I didn’t tell her about what happen to Khadija. I didn’t tell her because I have to keep it inside one box in my mind, lock the box, and throw the key inside river of my soul. Maybe one day, I will swim inside the river, find the key.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Morufu
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 222
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Chapter 39 Quotes

How is Morufu and Big Daddy different from each other? One can speak good English, and the other doesn’t speak good English, but both of them have the same terrible sickness of the mind.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Morufu, Rebecca
Page Number: 251
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Chapter 42 Quotes

Fifteen years ago, I was selling cheap materials from my boot, going from place to place, looking for customers. I wasn’t born into wealth. I have worked hard for my success. I fought for it. It wasn’t easy, especially because my husband, Chief, he didn’t have a job. If you want to be like me in business, Adunni, you will need to work very hard. Rise about whatever life throws at you. And never, ever give up on your dreams. Do you understand?”

Related Characters: Big Madam (Florence Adeoti) (speaker), Adunni, Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Mama (Idowu)
Page Number: 285
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Chapter 43 Quotes

“Why don’t you wait till we get to church so you can take the microphone and announce to the congregation that you gave your husband, the head of the family, the man in charge of your home, two hundred thousand naira for retreat, and that he spent the money? Useless woman.”

Related Characters: Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) (speaker), Adunni, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti)
Page Number: 288
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Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) Quotes in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The The Girl with the Louding Voice quotes below are all either spoken by Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) or refer to Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 34 Quotes

I didn’t tell Ms. Tia that I ever marry Morufu or about all the things he did to me in the room after he drink Fire-Cracker. I didn’t tell her about what happen to Khadija. I didn’t tell her because I have to keep it inside one box in my mind, lock the box, and throw the key inside river of my soul. Maybe one day, I will swim inside the river, find the key.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Morufu
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 222
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Chapter 39 Quotes

How is Morufu and Big Daddy different from each other? One can speak good English, and the other doesn’t speak good English, but both of them have the same terrible sickness of the mind.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Morufu, Rebecca
Page Number: 251
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Chapter 42 Quotes

Fifteen years ago, I was selling cheap materials from my boot, going from place to place, looking for customers. I wasn’t born into wealth. I have worked hard for my success. I fought for it. It wasn’t easy, especially because my husband, Chief, he didn’t have a job. If you want to be like me in business, Adunni, you will need to work very hard. Rise about whatever life throws at you. And never, ever give up on your dreams. Do you understand?”

Related Characters: Big Madam (Florence Adeoti) (speaker), Adunni, Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Mama (Idowu)
Page Number: 285
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Why don’t you wait till we get to church so you can take the microphone and announce to the congregation that you gave your husband, the head of the family, the man in charge of your home, two hundred thousand naira for retreat, and that he spent the money? Useless woman.”

Related Characters: Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti) (speaker), Adunni, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti)
Page Number: 288
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