The Girl with the Louding Voice


Abi Daré

Morufu’s second wife, Khadija, was married when she was just 15 years old. Her father married her off for money after he became sick with diabetes and could no longer work, just as Papa marries Adunni off for food and rent money. Khadija is kind and compassionate, and she becomes something of a maternal figure to Adunni, secretly helping her procure a special medicine that will prevent pregnancy when Adunni tells her that she doesn’t want to have Morufu’s child. When Adunni first moves into Morufu’s house, Khadija is heavily pregnant with her fourth child. Because the previous three children were all born girls, it is very important that this child is a boy. To ensure this, Khadija resumes a love affair with her former lover, Bamidele, and becomes pregnant by him. Bamidele’s family apparently only gives birth to boys, but the family is apparently cursed: their pregnant women need to bathe in a river with a special soap, or else they and their babies will die in childbirth. Knowing this, and fearing that her unborn baby is in danger, Khadija and Adunni travel to Kere village to find Bamidele and undergo the bathing ritual. But before they can begin the ritual, Bamidele, who now has a pregnant wife of his own, abandons Khadija to protect his own reputation. Khadija dies in childbirth, which forces Adunni to run away before she can be blamed for the death. Khadija is a tragic character who suffers and dies at the behest of an unjust, sexist culture. The fact that Khadija dies in childbirth and Bamidele gets to resume his life—even though they are equally responsible for the pregnancy—serves as a prime example of gender inequality as it relates to sexuality and childrearing.

Khadija Quotes in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The The Girl with the Louding Voice quotes below are all either spoken by Khadija or refer to Khadija. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

“Your dead mother and me, we are age-mates. God forbid for me to share my husband with my own child. God forbid that I am waiting for you to finish with my husband before I can enter his room. Ah, you will suffer in this house. Ask Khadija, she will tell you that I am a wicked woman. That my madness is not having cure.”

Related Characters: Labake (speaker), Adunni, Khadija, Morufu, Mama (Idowu), Papa
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 45
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Chapter 10 Quotes

“When you begin to born your children, you will not be too sad again,” she say. “When I first marry Morufu, I didn’t want to born children. I was too afraid of having a baby so quick, afraid of falling sick from the load of it. So I take something, a medicine, to stop the pregnant from coming. But after two months, I say to myself, ‘Khadija, if you don’t born a baby, Morufu will send you back to your father’s house.’ So I stop the medicine and soon I born my first girl, Alafia. When I hold her in my hands for the first time, my heart was full of so much love. Now, my children make me laugh when I am not even thinking to laugh. Children are joy, Adunni. Real joy.”

Related Characters: Khadija (speaker), Adunni, Morufu, Labake, Alafia
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 59
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

She open her eyes, give me a sad smile. “I wish I am a man, but I am not, so I do the next thing I can do. I marry a man.”

Related Characters: Kike (speaker), Adunni, Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Khadija, Labake, Baba Ogun
Page Number: 75
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21 Quotes

I am leaving Ikati. This is what I been wanting all my life, to leave this place and see what the world outside is looking like, but not like this. Not with a bad name following me. Not like a person that the whole village is looking for because they think she have kill a woman. Not with one half of my heart with Kayus and the other half with Khadija. I hang my head down, feeling a thick, heavy cloth as it is covering me. The thick cloth of shame, of sorrow, of heart pain.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Khadija, Kayus, Kola, Iya
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

When she come out, she draw deep breath and her chest, wide like blackboard, is climbing up and down, up and down. It is as if this woman is using her nostrils to be collecting all the heating from the outside and making us to be catching cold. I am standing beside Mr. Kola, and his body is shaking like my own. Even the trees in the compound, the yellow, pink, blue flowers in the long flowerpot, all of them too are shaking.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Khadija, Mama (Idowu), Kola, Iya
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 144
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

I didn’t tell Ms. Tia that I ever marry Morufu or about all the things he did to me in the room after he drink Fire-Cracker. I didn’t tell her about what happen to Khadija. I didn’t tell her because I have to keep it inside one box in my mind, lock the box, and throw the key inside river of my soul. Maybe one day, I will swim inside the river, find the key.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Morufu
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 222
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41 Quotes

I tear to pieces the paper, and throw it to the floor. Then I swim deep inside the river of my soul, find the key from where it is sitting, full of rust, at the bottom of the river, and open the lock. I kneel down beside my bed, close my eyes, turn myself into a cup, and pour the memory out of me.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Khadija
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 275
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

Fifteen years ago, I was selling cheap materials from my boot, going from place to place, looking for customers. I wasn’t born into wealth. I have worked hard for my success. I fought for it. It wasn’t easy, especially because my husband, Chief, he didn’t have a job. If you want to be like me in business, Adunni, you will need to work very hard. Rise about whatever life throws at you. And never, ever give up on your dreams. Do you understand?”

Related Characters: Big Madam (Florence Adeoti) (speaker), Adunni, Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Mama (Idowu)
Page Number: 285
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 47 Quotes

But there are words in my head, many things I want to say. I want to tell Ms. Tia I am sorry I made her come here. I want to ask why the doctor didn’t come too. Why didn’t he come and get a beating like his wife? If it takes two people to make a baby, why only one person, the woman, is suffering when the baby is not coming? Is it because she is the one with breast and the stomach for being pregnant? Or because of what? I want to ask, to scream, why are the women in Nigeria seem to be suffering for everything more than the men?

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Khadija, Kenneth Dada/The Doctor, Doctor Mama, The Birth-Makers
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 312
Explanation and Analysis:
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Khadija Quotes in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The The Girl with the Louding Voice quotes below are all either spoken by Khadija or refer to Khadija. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

“Your dead mother and me, we are age-mates. God forbid for me to share my husband with my own child. God forbid that I am waiting for you to finish with my husband before I can enter his room. Ah, you will suffer in this house. Ask Khadija, she will tell you that I am a wicked woman. That my madness is not having cure.”

Related Characters: Labake (speaker), Adunni, Khadija, Morufu, Mama (Idowu), Papa
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:
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Chapter 10 Quotes

“When you begin to born your children, you will not be too sad again,” she say. “When I first marry Morufu, I didn’t want to born children. I was too afraid of having a baby so quick, afraid of falling sick from the load of it. So I take something, a medicine, to stop the pregnant from coming. But after two months, I say to myself, ‘Khadija, if you don’t born a baby, Morufu will send you back to your father’s house.’ So I stop the medicine and soon I born my first girl, Alafia. When I hold her in my hands for the first time, my heart was full of so much love. Now, my children make me laugh when I am not even thinking to laugh. Children are joy, Adunni. Real joy.”

Related Characters: Khadija (speaker), Adunni, Morufu, Labake, Alafia
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 59
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

She open her eyes, give me a sad smile. “I wish I am a man, but I am not, so I do the next thing I can do. I marry a man.”

Related Characters: Kike (speaker), Adunni, Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Khadija, Labake, Baba Ogun
Page Number: 75
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21 Quotes

I am leaving Ikati. This is what I been wanting all my life, to leave this place and see what the world outside is looking like, but not like this. Not with a bad name following me. Not like a person that the whole village is looking for because they think she have kill a woman. Not with one half of my heart with Kayus and the other half with Khadija. I hang my head down, feeling a thick, heavy cloth as it is covering me. The thick cloth of shame, of sorrow, of heart pain.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Khadija, Kayus, Kola, Iya
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

When she come out, she draw deep breath and her chest, wide like blackboard, is climbing up and down, up and down. It is as if this woman is using her nostrils to be collecting all the heating from the outside and making us to be catching cold. I am standing beside Mr. Kola, and his body is shaking like my own. Even the trees in the compound, the yellow, pink, blue flowers in the long flowerpot, all of them too are shaking.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Khadija, Mama (Idowu), Kola, Iya
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 144
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

I didn’t tell Ms. Tia that I ever marry Morufu or about all the things he did to me in the room after he drink Fire-Cracker. I didn’t tell her about what happen to Khadija. I didn’t tell her because I have to keep it inside one box in my mind, lock the box, and throw the key inside river of my soul. Maybe one day, I will swim inside the river, find the key.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Morufu
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 222
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41 Quotes

I tear to pieces the paper, and throw it to the floor. Then I swim deep inside the river of my soul, find the key from where it is sitting, full of rust, at the bottom of the river, and open the lock. I kneel down beside my bed, close my eyes, turn myself into a cup, and pour the memory out of me.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Khadija
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 275
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

Fifteen years ago, I was selling cheap materials from my boot, going from place to place, looking for customers. I wasn’t born into wealth. I have worked hard for my success. I fought for it. It wasn’t easy, especially because my husband, Chief, he didn’t have a job. If you want to be like me in business, Adunni, you will need to work very hard. Rise about whatever life throws at you. And never, ever give up on your dreams. Do you understand?”

Related Characters: Big Madam (Florence Adeoti) (speaker), Adunni, Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Khadija, Mama (Idowu)
Page Number: 285
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 47 Quotes

But there are words in my head, many things I want to say. I want to tell Ms. Tia I am sorry I made her come here. I want to ask why the doctor didn’t come too. Why didn’t he come and get a beating like his wife? If it takes two people to make a baby, why only one person, the woman, is suffering when the baby is not coming? Is it because she is the one with breast and the stomach for being pregnant? Or because of what? I want to ask, to scream, why are the women in Nigeria seem to be suffering for everything more than the men?

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Khadija, Kenneth Dada/The Doctor, Doctor Mama, The Birth-Makers
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 312
Explanation and Analysis: