The Girl with the Louding Voice


Abi Daré

Rebecca Character Analysis

Rebecca is Big Madam and Big Daddy’s former housemaid who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Adunni is her replacement. Throughout the novel, characters avoid talking about Rebecca; Big Madam, in particular, is desperate to change the subject whenever Rebecca comes up in conversation. Adunni grows curious about Rebecca, especially after she finds Rebecca’s waist beads abandoned in her old room, which is now Adunni’s. So, Adunni makes it her mission to uncover the mystery of Rebecca’s disappearance. Eventually, through a note that Rebecca wrote that Abu found hidden in Big Daddy’s car after she disappeared, Adunni learns that Rebecca had a sexual relationship with Big Daddy, eventually becoming pregnant with his baby. Big Daddy told Rebecca that he would marry her, but then he tricked her into drinking something that would induce a miscarriage. At the end of the novel, Big Madam tells Adunni that she took Rebecca to a hospital to stop the bleeding and, afterward, gave her money to leave the house and never return. At the end of the novel, before Adunni leaves Big Madam’s house for the last time, she writes “Adunni & Rebecca” on the wall—a symbolic gesture that documents Rebecca’s life and place in history and validates her as a person.

Rebecca Quotes in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The The Girl with the Louding Voice quotes below are all either spoken by Rebecca or refer to Rebecca. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 39 Quotes

How is Morufu and Big Daddy different from each other? One can speak good English, and the other doesn’t speak good English, but both of them have the same terrible sickness of the mind.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Morufu, Rebecca
Page Number: 251
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Chapter 55 Quotes

I leave the room, closing the door on the memory of the sad and the bitter and the happy of it all, knowing that even if everybody forgets about Rebecca, or about me, the wall in the room we shared will remind them that we were here. That we are human. Of value. Important.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Rebecca, Mama (Idowu)
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 361
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Rebecca Quotes in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The The Girl with the Louding Voice quotes below are all either spoken by Rebecca or refer to Rebecca. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 39 Quotes

How is Morufu and Big Daddy different from each other? One can speak good English, and the other doesn’t speak good English, but both of them have the same terrible sickness of the mind.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Big Daddy (Chief Adeoti), Morufu, Rebecca
Page Number: 251
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Chapter 55 Quotes

I leave the room, closing the door on the memory of the sad and the bitter and the happy of it all, knowing that even if everybody forgets about Rebecca, or about me, the wall in the room we shared will remind them that we were here. That we are human. Of value. Important.

Related Characters: Adunni (speaker), Ms. Tia/Tia Dada, Big Madam (Florence Adeoti), Rebecca, Mama (Idowu)
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 361
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