The Glass Hotel


Emily St. John Mandel

Ella Kaspersky Character Analysis

Ella Kaspersky is a Chicago businesswoman who frequents the Hotel Caiette. It’s there that Kaspersky meets Jonathan Alkaitis, who tries (unsuccessfully) to convince her to invest in his fund. Kaspersky does some investigating, becomes suspicious that Alkaitis’s firm is operating a fraudulent scheme, and makes it her mission to bring this to the attention of the public. She alerts the SEC, which opens an investigation into Alkaitis, though they don’t try very hard and fail to produce any incriminating evidence. Adding to Kaspersky’s personal vendetta against Alkaitis is her discovery that a research fund her family established in the aftermath of Kaspersky’s mother’s death from colon cancer had unwittingly been investing in Alkaitis’s fund for years. This infuriates Kaspersky, who speaks disparagingly to Alkaitis and Suzanne when she later runs into them at a restaurant. At the restaurant that night, Suzanne instructs Kaspersky to “swallow broken glass,” an allusion to the wine glass a waiter accidentally dropped into Ella’s breadbasket earlier in the evening. Years later, after Suzanne’s death from cancer, Kaspersky bribes Paul to scrawl this same grisly message onto the Hotel Caiette’s glass lobby wall, though Alkaitis arrives too late to see the message. Kaspersky appears on the news after Alkaitis is eventually arrested for fraud, and it’s clear she takes personal pleasure in Alkaitis’s downfall, rather than wanting him to be brought to justice for the greater good of his investors and the public.

Ella Kaspersky Quotes in The Glass Hotel

The The Glass Hotel quotes below are all either spoken by Ella Kaspersky or refer to Ella Kaspersky. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 12: The Counterlife Quotes

“Well, look at it this way. I believe we’re in agreement that it should have been obvious to any sophisticated investor that you were running a fraudulent scheme. […] So in order for your scheme to succeed for as long as it did, a great many people had to believe in a story that didn’t actually make sense. But everyone was making money, so no one cared, except Ella Kaspersky.”

Related Characters: Julie Freeman (speaker), Jonathan Alkaitis, Ella Kaspersky
Page Number: 225-6
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Chapter 15: The Hotel Quotes

It turned out that never having that conversation with Vincent meant he was somehow condemned to always have that conversation with Vincent.

Related Characters: Paul (speaker), Vincent, Ella Kaspersky
Related Symbols: Ghosts
Page Number: 284
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Ella Kaspersky Quotes in The Glass Hotel

The The Glass Hotel quotes below are all either spoken by Ella Kaspersky or refer to Ella Kaspersky. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 12: The Counterlife Quotes

“Well, look at it this way. I believe we’re in agreement that it should have been obvious to any sophisticated investor that you were running a fraudulent scheme. […] So in order for your scheme to succeed for as long as it did, a great many people had to believe in a story that didn’t actually make sense. But everyone was making money, so no one cared, except Ella Kaspersky.”

Related Characters: Julie Freeman (speaker), Jonathan Alkaitis, Ella Kaspersky
Page Number: 225-6
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Chapter 15: The Hotel Quotes

It turned out that never having that conversation with Vincent meant he was somehow condemned to always have that conversation with Vincent.

Related Characters: Paul (speaker), Vincent, Ella Kaspersky
Related Symbols: Ghosts
Page Number: 284
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