Ella Kaspersky Quotes in The Glass Hotel
“Well, look at it this way. I believe we’re in agreement that it should have been obvious to any sophisticated investor that you were running a fraudulent scheme. […] So in order for your scheme to succeed for as long as it did, a great many people had to believe in a story that didn’t actually make sense. But everyone was making money, so no one cared, except Ella Kaspersky.”
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Get LitCharts A+It turned out that never having that conversation with Vincent meant he was somehow condemned to always have that conversation with Vincent.

Ella Kaspersky Quotes in The Glass Hotel
“Well, look at it this way. I believe we’re in agreement that it should have been obvious to any sophisticated investor that you were running a fraudulent scheme. […] So in order for your scheme to succeed for as long as it did, a great many people had to believe in a story that didn’t actually make sense. But everyone was making money, so no one cared, except Ella Kaspersky.”
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Get LitCharts A+It turned out that never having that conversation with Vincent meant he was somehow condemned to always have that conversation with Vincent.