The Golden Ass



The stepson is part of the story of a terrible crime that Lucius hears about (as a donkey) while under the ownership of the soldier. His stepmother falls in love with him, but he resists, angering her. She tries to poison him, but ends up accidentally poisoning her biological son instead (although in the end, it turns out the “poison” was just a sedative given to her by a doctor who was suspicious of her intentions).
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The Stepson Character Timeline in The Golden Ass

The timeline below shows where the character The Stepson appears in The Golden Ass. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 10
...story of the crime, there is an unfaithful stepmother who begins to lust after her stepson. She tries to hide her extreme lust by passing it off as illness, but eventually... (full context)
The stepmother secures poison to give her stepson, but her biological son drinks some by accident and dies. She then uses this as... (full context)