The Great Alone


Kristin Hannah

The Great Alone: Chapter 20 Summary & Analysis

Leni and Matthew wake up to the sound of a truck pulling into the driveway. Leni curses herself for falling asleep and quickly moves to get dressed. Before Matthew can leave, Ernt is in the door. Leni makes excuses for the disordered state of the cabin and, with Cora’s help, coaxes Ernt outdoors. While the Allbrights are outside, Matthew manages to escape in his boat. Ernt hears the boat but thinks it is a tourist who has come close to shore. When Cora is alone with Leni, she chastises her for being so careless. Leni says she will be more careful next time, to which Cora responds, “There won’t be a next time, Leni.” Cora warns her daughter not to see Matthew again until college.
Leni and Matthew’s day together ends tumultuously, as Cora’s several warnings foreshadowed. Luckily, Matthew gets away, but Cora is understandably angry with her daughter. Although Cora is primarily angry with Leni because she doesn’t want her to ruin her chances of going to college, she also is concerned for her own safety. Leni’s actions could easily have led to a brutal beating for Cora, even though Cora actively warned her not to see Matthew. Cora also knows the regrettable decisions she’s made regarding men and does not want her daughter to go down the same path.
One week later, Ernt takes Cora and Leni outside to show them his completed barricade. In order to get through the barricade, a key is required, which Ernt wears around his neck. Ernt is proud of what he’s accomplished, though Leni and Cora are terrified. Leni spends the next few days living in fear. Then, when she is alone with Cora, she once again urges her mother to leave Ernt. Although Cora rejects the idea at first, Leni eventually gets her to agree that they will escape when the right opportunity arises.
Although Ernt acts pridefully, he seems to know that Cora and Leni are afraid of him. He doesn’t provide them with keys and knows that they are not happy. Even Cora knows that Ernt has gone too far and is much easier to convince than normal that Ernt is life-threateningly dangerous.
Near the end of August, the Allbrights are running low on food. Leni suggests that Ernt go into town and get them some supplies, hoping this will provide her and Cora an opportunity to escape. Ernt decides she is right but insists that Cora and Leni come with him. When they are alone, Leni tells Cora that this is their chance, though Cora is not so sure. When the Allbrights arrive in town, Ernt gets out of his truck to yell at Tom Walker, who is digging a trench for a generator. While Ernt argues with Tom, Matthew comes around the corner and yells Leni’s name. Leni screams to him, “Help us,” which results in Ernt dragging Leni and her mother back to the truck.
Ernt knows better than to leave Leni and Cora alone; he seems to know that they might try something that he will not approve of. His suspicions are confirmed when Leni yells to Matthew, and violence will almost certainly follow. However, Leni is able to deliver her message to the outside world, which will end up helping her. Also, though Ernt’s rage takes center stage, this is another moment where Tom is continuing to modernize Kaneq by installing electricity.
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Ernt angrily mutters under his breath the entire way home. Back at the cabin, he grabs Leni and throws her against the wall. Cora tries to calm Ernt down, but he begins beating her. In the chaos, Matthew charges into the cabin and punches Ernt in the face. While Ernt is recovering from Matthew’s blow, Matthew, Leni, and Cora quickly devise a plan; Cora will go to Marge’s and Matthew will take Leni somewhere Ernt can’t get at her. This settled, all three of them scramble to Matthew’s truck. On the way, Matthew sabotages Ernt’s truck so he cannot follow them. As the three make their way out of the driveway, Ernt fires at them with a shotgun but misses.
Ernt reacts predictably to Leni’s outburst, though this time he is quickly put in his place by Matthew. Knowing Matthew’s retaliation could put Ernt over the edge, even Cora quickly moves to get out of the cabin. Although their escape is successful, Cora and Leni get a sense of what Ernt is capable of; he doesn’t hit them, but he does fire a gun in their direction. Even if the shot was aimed at Matthew, Ernt’s reaction is telling; he is willing to kill if it means protecting himself and his ego.
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Matthew drops Cora off at Marge’s place and then takes Leni into the mountains. Together they hike for miles up a trail, spotting no one along the way. Eventually, they arrive in a field, where Matthew gives Leni some food and begins pitching a tent. He tells Leni that he will take care of her and that she will be fine; however, Leni is not so sure. She fears what will happen to her mother and anyone else who stands in her father’s way.
No matter what others tell her, Leni does not think anyone can keep her safe unless her father is in jail. Despite everything, all of Kaneq still seems to underestimate Ernt and the violence he is willing to resort to.