The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society


Ann Shaffer

Sidney Stark Character Analysis

Sidney is Juliet's editor at the Stephens & Stark publishing house and her longtime personal friend. He's witty, self-important, and often does his best to behave like an obnoxious older brother. This is because Sidney has known Juliet for about 20 years, as Juliet's best friend from school is Sidney's sister, Sophie. Sidney is also gay, though many people who don't know this believe that Sidney and Juliet are in love with each other. Despite Sidney's self-importance, he cares deeply for his friends and loved ones. He flies to Australia when a friend and possible lover, Piers, shows up there after they all thought he'd died in the war. Sidney often acts as a mentor for Juliet; he gives her permission to abandon her project that would've been written under her pseudonym, Izzy Bickerstaff, and later, he gives her direction on her book about the German occupation of Guernsey. He also provides romantic and personal advice and takes great offense to Juliet's romance with Mark Reynolds. Sidney believes that if Juliet married Mark, she'd never write another book and her independence would disappear. He believes this would be a tragedy and does everything in his power to annoy Juliet about Mark, mostly by including photos of Mark dancing with other women when he sends Juliet letters. Juliet begins sharing her letters from Guernsey with Sidney while he's in Australia, and she continues to do so when Sidney returns to London. This leads Sidney to come to love and care for the islanders as much as she does; he actively mourns when he gets news of Elizabeth's death. Though he only visits the island twice, he and Isola become close friends. He gives her eccentric gifts, like a cuckoo clock and a book on phrenology, which she adores. He also sends lavish gifts for Kit and for his nephew, Dominic, who are around the same age. When Juliet and Dawsey get engaged, Juliet asks Sidney to return to Guernsey to give her away at her wedding.

Sidney Stark Quotes in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society quotes below are all either spoken by Sidney Stark or refer to Sidney Stark. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: 8 Jan, 1946 Quotes

I don't want to be considered a light-hearted journalist anymore. I do acknowledge that making readers laugh—or at least chuckle—during the war was no mean feat, but I don't want to do it anymore. I can't seem to dredge up any sense of proportion or balance these days, and God knows one can't write humor without them.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Sidney Stark
Related Symbols: Izzy Bickerstaff
Page Number: 3-4
Explanation and Analysis:
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Part 1: 21 Jan, 1946 Quotes

All the windows we passed were lighted, and I could snoop once more. I missed it so terribly during the war. I felt as if we had all turned into moles scuttling along in our separate tunnels.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Sidney Stark, Susan Scott
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 6 Jun, 1946 Quotes

I knew that all children were gruesome, but I don't know whether I'm supposed to encourage them in it. I'm afraid to ask Sophie if Dead Bride is too morbid a game for a four-year-old. If she says yes, we'll have to stop playing, and I don't want to stop. I love Dead Bride.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Sidney Stark, Kit McKenna, Sophie Strachan
Page Number: 175
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 16 Jun, 1946 Quotes

It's odd, I suppose, to mourn so for someone you've never met. But I do.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark
Page Number: 184
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 6 Jul, 1946 Quotes

If she marries him, she'll spend the rest of her life being shown to people at theaters and clubs and weekends and she'll never write another book. As her editor, I'm dismayed by the prospect, but as her friend, I'm horrified. It will be the end of our Juliet.

Related Characters: Sidney Stark (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Markham V. Reynolds, Sophie Strachan
Page Number: 194-95
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 17 Jul, 1946 Quotes

Maybe every mother looks at her baby that way—with that intense focus—but Elizabeth put it on paper. There was one shaky drawing of a wizened little Kit, made the day after she was born, according to Amelia.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark, Mrs. Amelia Maugery, Kit McKenna
Page Number: 203
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 19 Jul, 1946 Quotes

Why, there'd be soldiers riding guard in the back of potato lorries going to the army's mess hall—children would follow them, hoping potatoes would fall off into the street. Soldiers would look straight ahead, grim-like, and then flick potatoes off the pile—on purpose.

Related Characters: Captain Christian Hellman (speaker), Sam Withers (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark, Kit McKenna
Page Number: 208
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 2 Sep, 1946 Quotes

She told me once that those guards used big dogs. Riled them up and loosed them deliberately on the lines of women standing for roll call—just to watch the fun. Christ! I've been ignorant, Juliet. I thought being here with us could help her forget.

Related Characters: Dawsey Adams (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Sidney Stark, Remy Giraud
Page Number: 255
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sidney Stark Quotes in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society quotes below are all either spoken by Sidney Stark or refer to Sidney Stark. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: 8 Jan, 1946 Quotes

I don't want to be considered a light-hearted journalist anymore. I do acknowledge that making readers laugh—or at least chuckle—during the war was no mean feat, but I don't want to do it anymore. I can't seem to dredge up any sense of proportion or balance these days, and God knows one can't write humor without them.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Sidney Stark
Related Symbols: Izzy Bickerstaff
Page Number: 3-4
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Part 1: 21 Jan, 1946 Quotes

All the windows we passed were lighted, and I could snoop once more. I missed it so terribly during the war. I felt as if we had all turned into moles scuttling along in our separate tunnels.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Sidney Stark, Susan Scott
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 6 Jun, 1946 Quotes

I knew that all children were gruesome, but I don't know whether I'm supposed to encourage them in it. I'm afraid to ask Sophie if Dead Bride is too morbid a game for a four-year-old. If she says yes, we'll have to stop playing, and I don't want to stop. I love Dead Bride.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Sidney Stark, Kit McKenna, Sophie Strachan
Page Number: 175
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 16 Jun, 1946 Quotes

It's odd, I suppose, to mourn so for someone you've never met. But I do.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark
Page Number: 184
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 6 Jul, 1946 Quotes

If she marries him, she'll spend the rest of her life being shown to people at theaters and clubs and weekends and she'll never write another book. As her editor, I'm dismayed by the prospect, but as her friend, I'm horrified. It will be the end of our Juliet.

Related Characters: Sidney Stark (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Markham V. Reynolds, Sophie Strachan
Page Number: 194-95
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 17 Jul, 1946 Quotes

Maybe every mother looks at her baby that way—with that intense focus—but Elizabeth put it on paper. There was one shaky drawing of a wizened little Kit, made the day after she was born, according to Amelia.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark, Mrs. Amelia Maugery, Kit McKenna
Page Number: 203
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 19 Jul, 1946 Quotes

Why, there'd be soldiers riding guard in the back of potato lorries going to the army's mess hall—children would follow them, hoping potatoes would fall off into the street. Soldiers would look straight ahead, grim-like, and then flick potatoes off the pile—on purpose.

Related Characters: Captain Christian Hellman (speaker), Sam Withers (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark, Kit McKenna
Page Number: 208
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 2 Sep, 1946 Quotes

She told me once that those guards used big dogs. Riled them up and loosed them deliberately on the lines of women standing for roll call—just to watch the fun. Christ! I've been ignorant, Juliet. I thought being here with us could help her forget.

Related Characters: Dawsey Adams (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Sidney Stark, Remy Giraud
Page Number: 255
Explanation and Analysis: