The Hiding Place


Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie’s mother. Often bedridden by an unnamed chronic illness, Mama accepts her lot in life without complaint and selflessly devotes herself to aiding the city’s poor people. Even after she suffers a stroke and can no longer speak or move, she corresponds with the people she once helped through her daughters, showing Corrie that one can follow God’s commandment to help other people no matter what one’s own circumstances are. Soon after Nollie gets married and leaves home, Mama dies.
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Mama Character Timeline in The Hiding Place

The timeline below shows where the character Mama appears in The Hiding Place. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The One Hundredth Birthday Party
...Betsie use it. Her older siblings, Willem and Nollie, have married and left home, and Mama and her aunts are dead. Father has welcomed a stream of foster children into the... (full context)
...and then compliments Betsie and Corrie on the “new styles” they are wearing, saying their mother would have loved to see them. The sisters laugh, knowing that their dresses are very... (full context)
Betsie reminisces that Mama could make every day into a special occasion. Since she was friends with almost everyone... (full context)
Full Table with the family ever since her husband died. This has complicated household arrangements, as Mama’s other two sisters are already living in the Beje. Tante Jans spends all day in... (full context) occurs to her that she can simply refuse to go. Instead, she’ll stay with Mama and help out around the house. (full context)
...she often compares her nieces’ behavior to her erstwhile charges—but Father says it doesn’t matter. Mama warns them quietly to be nice to Tante Jans today, as it’s the anniversary of... (full context)
Suddenly, Tante Jans notices Nollie’s hat and begins to criticize it. Quickly, Mama wonders aloud if the cheese is spoiled. This instantly distracts Tante Jans, who is extremely... (full context)
After breakfast Betsie and Nollie hurry out the door, but Corrie lingers until Mama gently tells her to hurry up. Corrie announces bravely that she’s not going. All of... (full context)
Corrie remembers an expedition to see one of the poor families to whom Mama regularly provides food and aid. The night before, one of their babies has died, and... (full context)
As a teenager, Corrie is attending one of Mama’s impromptu parties when she meets Karel, one of Willem’s friends from seminary. She takes one... (full context)
One day, Corrie brings up this thought with Mama, who herself is often sick and bedridden. Even so, she never pities her life but... (full context)
Soon, Tante Bep dies. Mama and Tante Anna deal with their sadness by redoubling their charitable efforts, and Tante Jans... (full context), the doorbell rings and Corrie runs downstairs to see Tine, bringing some flowers for Mama. Guided by a sudden instinct and inspired by the romantic novels she loves, Corrie insists... (full context)
The Watch Shop
One morning, Corrie is washing the windows while Mama peels potatoes. Suddenly, she notices that the water has run over the edge of the... (full context)
Fro two months Mama lays in a coma on the bed. One morning, she wakes up unexpectedly. Eventually she... (full context)
However, Mama continues to interact with the world and help people. She often sees people she knows... (full context)
...Woerden. On the day of the wedding, Corrie is struck by how young and healthy Mama looks, despite all her ailments. As Nollie walks down the aisle, Corrie recalls her old... (full context)
As the congregation sings the final hymn, Mama suddenly starts singing perfectly, even though she hasn’t spoken for months. Corrie is deeply moved... (full context)
...stretch a food budget, improve the house, and make meals for the poor just as Mama did. (full context)