The House of the Scorpion


Nancy Farmer

Esperanza Mendoza Character Analysis

Esperanza is the ex-wife of Senator Mendoza and the mother of Emilia and María. She left the family when María was a young child, leaving María to believe she had died in the desert. Esperanza is a passionate, strong-willed activist against the crimes of El Patrón and the country of Opium. She pursues her causes with a single-minded, at times emotionally detached ambition. She encourages Matt to return to Opium to take over leadership of the country after El Patrón’s death.

Esperanza Mendoza Quotes in The House of the Scorpion

The The House of the Scorpion quotes below are all either spoken by Esperanza Mendoza or refer to Esperanza Mendoza. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 37 Quotes

“You can’t have two versions of the same person at the same time,” Esperanza went on. “One of them—the copy—has to be declared an unperson. But when the original dies, the copy takes his place.”

Related Characters: Esperanza Mendoza (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán
Page Number: 367
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“Matt’s human?”

“He always was,” her mother replied. “The law is a wicked fiction to make it possible to use clones for transplants. But bad law or not, we’re going to use t now. If you survive the landing, Matt, I’ll do everything in my power to make you the new reigning drug lord. […] Only you must promise me that once you’re in control, you’ll destroy the opium empire.”

Related Characters: María Mendoza (speaker), Esperanza Mendoza (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán
Page Number: 367
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Esperanza Mendoza Quotes in The House of the Scorpion

The The House of the Scorpion quotes below are all either spoken by Esperanza Mendoza or refer to Esperanza Mendoza. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 37 Quotes

“You can’t have two versions of the same person at the same time,” Esperanza went on. “One of them—the copy—has to be declared an unperson. But when the original dies, the copy takes his place.”

Related Characters: Esperanza Mendoza (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán
Page Number: 367
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“Matt’s human?”

“He always was,” her mother replied. “The law is a wicked fiction to make it possible to use clones for transplants. But bad law or not, we’re going to use t now. If you survive the landing, Matt, I’ll do everything in my power to make you the new reigning drug lord. […] Only you must promise me that once you’re in control, you’ll destroy the opium empire.”

Related Characters: María Mendoza (speaker), Esperanza Mendoza (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán
Page Number: 367
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