The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Victor Hugo

Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule Character Analysis

Paquette la Chantefleurie is a woman from Rheims who lives as a recluse in Paris, in a horrible cell known as the “rat-hole.” She is also Esmeralda’s mother. The two were separated when Esmeralda was a baby as Esmeralda was stolen by gypsies and replaced with the infant Quasimodo. The inhabitants of Paris know Paquette as Sister Gudule, but her true identity is revealed when Mahiette, a woman from Rheims, visits the “rat-hole” and recognizes Paquette. Paquette was once a poor young woman in Rheims and became a prostitute to support herself. Although she was almost ruined by this, her life changed when she had a daughter, whom she loved more than anything. The baby (Esmeralda) was kidnapped by gypsies, however, who raised her as their own. After the loss of her daughter, Paquette goes mad with grief and develops a virulent hatred of gypsies, who she believes killed her child. She travels to Paris and locks herself in the “rat-hole,” where she plans to live out her days as a penitent (or martyr) and meditate on the loss of her child. All Paquette has left of her daughter is a pink shoe, which she made for the baby, and she stares at it all day long. Paquette is vengeful and particularly hates Esmeralda, whom she sees in the square and whom she wishes would be hung. Paquette’s wish comes true and Esmeralda is sentenced to death for witchcraft. However, right before Esmeralda’s execution, Paquette discovers that Esmeralda is her daughter—she has the other pink shoe in the pouch she wears around her neck. Paquette’s fate is tragic, and she dies as she fights the guards who try to take Esmeralda to the gallows.

Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule Quotes in The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The The Hunchback of Notre Dame quotes below are all either spoken by Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule or refer to Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 6, Chapter 2 Quotes

In those days they saw everything thus, without metaphysics, without exaggeration, without a magnifying glass, with the naked eye. The microscope had not yet been invented, either for material things or for the things of the spirit.

Related Characters: Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule
Page Number: 215
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Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule Quotes in The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The The Hunchback of Notre Dame quotes below are all either spoken by Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule or refer to Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 6, Chapter 2 Quotes

In those days they saw everything thus, without metaphysics, without exaggeration, without a magnifying glass, with the naked eye. The microscope had not yet been invented, either for material things or for the things of the spirit.

Related Characters: Paquette la Chantefleurie/Sister Gudule
Page Number: 215
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