Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Anton Chekhov's The Lady With the Dog. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The Lady With the Dog: Introduction
The Lady With the Dog: Plot Summary
The Lady With the Dog: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The Lady With the Dog: Themes
The Lady With the Dog: Quotes
The Lady With the Dog: Characters
The Lady With the Dog: Symbols
The Lady With the Dog: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Anton Chekhov

Historical Context of The Lady With the Dog
Other Books Related to The Lady With the Dog
- Full Title: The Lady with the Dog (Russian: Дама с собачкой)
- When Written: 1899
- Where Written: Yalta, Crimea
- When Published: 1899
- Literary Period: Russian Romanticism
- Genre: Drama/Romance
- Setting: The seaside resort town of Yalta, the capital of the Russian Empire Moscow, the Russian city of St. Petersburg
- Climax: Gurov looks into a mirror and realizes both that he has grown old and is in love for the first time in his life.
- Antagonist: The contradictions of the human heart, Russian society
- Point of View: Third person limited
Extra Credit for The Lady With the Dog
Chekhov’s Gun. One of the more famous terms associated with Chekhov is the idea of “Chekhov’s Gun.” This is a principle stating that story elements should only be introduced for a specific dramatic purpose—that is, if the audience sees a gun hanging on the wall at the beginning of the story, it should go off before the story ends. While “The Lady with the Dog” doesn’t have a recurring story element as obvious as a pistol, every detail in the story, including the little Pomeranian, is doing some setting or character development work.
Transmedia Property. “The Lady with the Dog” has been adapted into diverse mediums: a ballet, several movies, a musical, and a notable Joyce Carol Oates short story told from Anna’s point of view, called “The Lady with the Pet Dog.”