The unnamed man, one of the short story’s protagonists, is a middle-aged, white-collar worker living in 1969. He and his wife, the story’s other protagonist, have two young daughters. One night, the man…
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The Woman / Wife
The woman is one of the story’s protagonists. She leads a quiet suburban life in 1969 with her husband and two daughters, all of whom go unnamed. Like her husband, the woman has an…
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Stan Willis
Stan Willis is one of the man’s coworkers and is the only named character in the story. One day, Stan confides in the man about his strange, apocalyptic dream. When the man reveals that…
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The Girls / Daughters
The man and woman’s two young daughters are likely in their toddler years, since they are seen playing with blocks and sleeping with the door ajar (implying a childlike fear of the dark). The…
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