The Line Becomes a River


Francisco Cantú

Hayward Character Analysis

Hayward is Cantú’s boss once he moves into intelligence work. He’s a kind boss, and he takes Cantú under his wing. He has suffered some trauma during his work in Border Patrol, for instance when he killed a young migrant in his early years on the force. Hayward’s main interest is not in improving border enforcement but in rising the ranks of the agency until he can relocate to Virginia, where his wife wants to live. As such, though he’s kind, he comes to represent some of the institutionalization of border enforcement.
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Hayward Character Timeline in The Line Becomes a River

The timeline below shows where the character Hayward appears in The Line Becomes a River. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Trauma and Emotional Detachment Theme Icon
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Cantú’s new boss, Hayward, shows him and five other newly promoted officers around the intelligence building. He details the... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Hayward asks Cantú to write a report on a drug-trafficking cell. Cantú lists all his powers... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Cantú tells Hayward that he feels the real work is out there, and Hayward tells him it’s helpful... (full context)
The Value of a Human Life Theme Icon
At work the next day, there are many high-level staff members at the intelligence office. Hayward fills Cantú in on the background to the shooting and the great many staff from... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Hayward tells Cantú to put together a rigorous report about the suspects who have already been... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Hayward tells his team that he’s accepted a job in El Paso and encourages Cantú to... (full context)
Trauma and Emotional Detachment Theme Icon
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Hayward greets Cantú at his new workplace in El Paso and introduces him to his new... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Hayward, Manuel, Beto, and Cantú arrive in Lordsburg, New Mexico, for a mission. They go to... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
...he’s about to become the first person in his family to own a house, and Hayward reminisces about meeting his wife in high school in Virginia. The night seems full of... (full context)
Trauma and Emotional Detachment Theme Icon
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
Over lunch one day, Hayward tells Cantú that an agent at his old station shot and killed a migrant, and... (full context)
The Value of a Human Life Theme Icon
...station for a mission. One night, the group finds a migrant who’s lost her group. Hayward asks Cantú to take her to the base. She’s limping badly. Manuel respectfully helps her... (full context)
Institutional Violence Theme Icon
...spending a day with his team at the firing range, Cantú asks to speak to Hayward. He tells him he’s leaving the patrol; he’s been offered a scholarship to study abroad.... (full context)