The Lowland


Jhumpa Lahiri

Fidel Castro Term Analysis

A Cuban communist revolutionary. Castro converted Cuba into a one-party, socialist state under Communist Party rule—the first in the Western Hemisphere. Castro ruled Cuba first as Prime Minister and later as President—a thinly-veiled moniker disguising his status as dictator for life—from 1959 until his health declined in 2008.

Fidel Castro Quotes in The Lowland

The The Lowland quotes below are all either spoken by Fidel Castro or refer to Fidel Castro. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1, Chapter 4 Quotes

Now if they happened to pass the Tolly Club together on their way to or from the tram depot, Udayan called it an affront. People still filled slums all over the city, children were born and raised on the streets. Why were a hundred acres walled off for the enjoyment of a few? Subhash remembered the imported trees, the jackals, the bird cries. The golf balls heavy in their pockets, the undulating green of the course. He remembered Udayan going over the wall first, challenging him to follow. Crouching on the ground the last evening they were there, trying to shield him. But Udayan said that golf was the pastime of the comprador bourgeoisie. He said the Tolly Club was proof that India was still a semicolonial country behaving as if the British had never left. He pointed out that Che, who had worked as a caddy on a golf course in Argentina, had come to the same conclusion. That after the Cuban revolution getting rid of the golf courses was one of the first things Castro had done.

Related Characters: Subhash Mitra (speaker), Udayan Mitra
Page Number: 29-30
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Fidel Castro Term Timeline in The Lowland

The timeline below shows where the term Fidel Castro appears in The Lowland. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Chapter 4
...the Cuban revolution, “getting rid of the golf courses was one of the first things Castro had done.” (full context)
Part 2, Chapter 4
...of how mundane Udayan’s life has become—but still makes oblique reference to a fascination with Castro. The letter caused Subhash to wonder whether his brother has “traded one passion for another,”... (full context)