The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov

Abaddon shows up late in the novel and is one of Woland’s demons. He represents destruction incarnate and is described by Woland as having a “rare impartiality”; that is, his destruction is not tempered by ideas of good and evil. Abaddon is described in the Bible as an “angel of the abyss” and appears in the books of Job and Revelation.
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Abaddon Character Timeline in The Master and Margarita

The timeline below shows where the character Abaddon appears in The Master and Margarita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 22. By Candlelight
...the ground” holding a dead child. Woland says what she’s seeing is the work of “Abaddon.” He adds that “Abaddon” has a “rare impartiality” and treats both sides in a conflict... (full context)
Woland makes Abaddon appear; he is a gaunt man wearing glasses. Margarita asks if he can take his... (full context)
Chapter 23. The Great Ball at Satan’s
Woland, however, is suspicious of Baron Meigel, thinking he is a “stool-pigeon and a spy.” Abaddon takes his glasses off and looks at the baron; simultaneously, Azazello shoots him. As blood... (full context)